Philip K Dick, Books

"A" Items - Books by Philip K. Dick
18. Solar Lottery. NY: Ace (1955). Dick's first book, a paperback original, bound back-to-back with Leigh Brackett's The Big Jump. Inscribed by the author to award-winning science fiction writer, Tim Powers, one of Dick's closest friends. A fine copy and an excellent association -- Powers and Dick were very close during the last decade of Dick's life, and Powers has, fittingly, twice won the science fiction award named after Dick -- the Philip K. Dick Award, given for the best science fiction novel published as a paperback original. An exceptional copy of an important first book.
19. -. Another copy, unsigned. Rubbing along spine fold; still a very attractive, near fine copy.
20. -. Same title, the hardcover reissue, and the first hardcover edition under this title [see below, World of Chance] (Boston: Gregg, 1976). Fine without dust jacket, as issued, and signed by the author.
21. -. Another copy of the hardcover reissue. A fine copy, and inscribed by the author.
22. A Handful of Darkness. London: Rich & Cowan (1955). First edition, a collection of stories, and Dick's first book to be published in a hardcover edition (this precedes the English publication of his first book, published in the U.K. as World of Chance). This copy, in heavy orange boards (no dust jacket), is the copy that Dick's bibliographer saw and mentioned as either a later binding state or a privately rebound copy of the second state of the book. He suggested it was the latter, and we would concur. Inscribed by the author to Tim and Serena Powers: "To Tim & Serena/with love/ Philip K. Dick." An excellent association copy of his rare first hardcover.
23. -. Same title, the American hardcover reissue and, in fact, the first American edition (Boston: Gregg Press, 1978). Inscribed by the author to science fiction publisher Roy Squires: "To Roy/ a dear, dear friend/ Philip K. Dick/ With gratitude for/ your generous/ hospitality." Very faint stain to the very bottom tip of the pages; else fine without dust jacket, as issued. With a new introduction by Richard A. Lupoff.
24. World of Chance. London: Rich & Cowan (1956). First British edition, and first hardcover edition, of the author's first book, signed by the author. Published in the U.S. as Solar Lottery, this version having been revised from the American edition. According to Powers, "this was Dick's personal copy through the years until he gave it to Tim Powers, for whom he merely signed it (saying something to the effect that personal inscriptions lessened the value of a book -- on other occasions he variously followed or violated that curious belief)." This is a near fine copy in a very good dust jacket with light edgewear. A very nice copy of this exceedingly scarce edition of the author's first book.
25. The World Jones Made. NY: Ace (1956). His second novel, again a paperback original. Written in 1954, this is the first of Dick's books to include reference to a drug subculture: in a 21st century, post-nuclear holocaust world, a North Beach nightclub serves heroin and marijuana as a mutant sex act performs onstage. This copy is inscribed by Dick to Tim Powers, "my fellow novelist." Bound together with Margaret St. Clair's Agent of the Unknown. A fine copy, very scarce thus, and, again, an excellent association between these two important science fiction writers and close friends.
26. -. Another copy, unsigned. Rubbing along front spine fold; still an attractive, near fine copy in wrappers; much nicer than usual.
27. -. Another copy. Page edges browned, and a couple of small ink words on the title page. A very good, slightly rubbed copy.
28. -. Same title, first hardcover edition (Boston: Gregg Press, 1979). Reissue, with a new critical introduction by Glenn Chang. This copy is from the library of science fiction novelist Tim Powers and is signed by the author. Fine without dust jacket, as issued.
29. The Man Who Japed. NY: Ace (1956). Paperback original. Bound back-to-back with The Space-Born by E.C. Tubb. Inscribed by Dick on the inside front cover: "To Tim-/ the funniest/ guy & one of the nicest, I've ever/ had the joy of/ knowing/ Philip K. Dick." Pages browned with some slight random staining, covers a bit rubbed and faintly creased. Good only. Still, a wonderful inscription on this early novel.
30. -. Another copy, not inscribed. Pages a bit darkened and spine a bit rubbed, but still near fine. A nicer-than-usual copy of this early novel.
31. The Cosmic Puppets. NY: Ace (1957). Paperback original, bound back-to-back with Sargasso of Space, by Andrew North [i.e., Andre Norton]. Small corner crease on rear cover, otherwise this is a very nice copy, very near fine in wrappers and exceptionally scarce thus. Inscribed by the author: "To Tim -/ with affection/ Philip K. Dick."
32. -. Another copy, unsigned. Very good in wrappers.
33. -. Another copy. Pages stained and browned, spine-rubbed and a bit eroded at the heel. Fair only.
34. The Variable Man. NY: Ace (1957). Paperback original, including the title novel and four stories, his first collection of short fiction to be published in this country. Signed by the author. Very mild spine-darkening but still just about fine in wrappers. An exceptional copy.
35. -. Another copy, unsigned. Spine rubbed and a bit creased, otherwise near fine in wrappers.
36. Time Out of Joint. Philadelphia: Lippincott (1959). Dick's first hardcover book, in this country, and one of Pringle's hundred best science fiction novels -- "a nightmare which may have seemed far-fetched in 1959, but which now strikes us as strangely truthful." A cheaply-made book, this copy has minute shelfwear at the extremities of the spine and the lower corners, otherwise fine in near fine dust jacket with a bit of shallow chipping at the crown of the spine. An important and uncommon book, particularly scarce in nice condition.
37. Vulcan's Hammer. NY: Ace (1960). Paberback edition of a story that first appeared in Future in 1956. Bound together with The Skynappers by John Brunner. Pages browned; a very good, slightly rubbed copy.
38. -. Same title, the reissue and first hardcover edition (Boston: Gregg, 1979). Signed by the author. Fine without dust jacket, as issued.
39. Dr. Futurity. NY: Ace (1960). A paperback original of this novel that was expanded from the story "Time Pawn," first published in Thrilling Wonder Stories in 1954. Bound together with Slavers of Space by John Brunner. Pages browning and a little page rumpling in the Brunner novel. Small triangular chip at the base of the front cover, otherwise externally crisp and very good.
40. The Man in the High Castle. Garden City: Doubleday (1962). Book club edition of this Hugo Award-winning novel. Inscribed by the author to Tim Powers, "whose friendship has meant a great deal to us." Very good in very good dust jacket, a bit spine-darkened and with some mild chipping at extremities. Laid into this copy is a single sheet of paper folded into the shape and size of a typical bookmark on which Dick has written: "Instructions:/ Pretend to pretend to do the/ wrong thing./ Simulate malingering."
41. -. Another copy, the first edition. Fine in a near fine dust jacket, with a bit of wrinkling and one small chip. A nice copy.
42. The Game-Players of Titan. NY: Ace (1963). Paperback original. Signed by the author to Tim Powers. Pages darkened with sunning at the edges of the inside covers, faint crease to front wrap; else externally fine.
43. -. Another copy, not inscribed. Spine-creased. "1/2" written in ink on back cover. Still, near fine in wrappers.
44. The Penultimate Truth. NY: Belmont (1964). Paperback original, a novel set in 1982, in the aftermath of World War III. This is a fine copy in wrappers, and one of the scarcer Dick paperbacks.
45. -. Another copy. Bookstore stamp and owner name inside front cover; lightly rubbed at the edges. Otherwise near fine in wrappers.
46. Martian Time Slip. NY: Ballantine (1964). Paperback original, published the year after he won the Hugo Award for The Man in the High Castle. After a period during which Dick's interest in science fiction paled, he renewed his prolific writing and publishing pace, with a multitude of novels being released in the same year. This is a very near fine copy in wrappers.
47. The Simulacra. NY: Ace (1964). Paperback original. Very slight spine "roll" otherwise near fine in wrappers. A very nice copy.
48. -. Same title, the first British hardcover edition, and the first hardcover edition published anywhere (London: Eyre Methuen, 1977). Pages browning with age, but otherwise a near fine copy in near fine dust jacket. Inscribed by the author: "To Tim & Serena -/ Congratulations!/ Philip K. Dick." This was presented to Tim & Serena Powers just after they got married. An extremely scarce edition: there was a simultaneous British paperback, and doubtless most copies were issued with the softcover binding. A nice copy of a rare book, and a nice association.
49. Clans of the Alphane Moon. NY: Ace (1964). Paperback original. Pages browning with age, but still a near fine copy. Inscribed by the author: "To Tim Powers, who/ will one day write &/ sell s-f novels./ Philip K. Dick" and dated "8/12/64." As Powers writes: "The date, of course, is a joke, and was probably written in the late '70's." Powers and Dick met in the early '70's. A very nice copy, with a humorous association.
50. -. Another copy, unsigned. Slight spine slant and vertical creasing along the back cover; still about near fine.
51. The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch. Garden City: Doubleday, 1965. Book club edition of one of his most famous and most highly regarded novels, a title on Pringle's "hundred best" list and one of the few that biographer Sutin rates a "10." Warmly inscribed by the author: "To one of the most/ clear headed &/ reasonable friends/ I've Got- & I hope/ his influence will/ in time prevail on/ me. To Tim- with/Great affection &/ respect/ Philip K. Dick." Front hinge cracked else fine in lightly rubbed near fine dust jacket with some light soiling on the rear panel.
52. -. Same title, the first edition. Fine in a near fine dust jacket with a bit of shelfwear and the usual slight dust soiling to the rear panel. Still, a nice copy of one of his best books.
53. Now Wait for Last Year. Garden City: Doubleday, 1966. Written the year after Dick won the Hugo for High Castle, this is a novel of a benign future dictatorship on earth, fighting to avert an alien takeover. The plot involves a time travel-inducing drug, "JJ 180," which later became the name of a punk rock band in the Seventies -- one of the many ways in which Dick's writings have worked their way into the youth subculture over the years. This is a very fine copy in a similar dust jacket.
54. The Crack in Space. NY: Ace (1966). Paperback original. Pages darkened with age, otherwise a fine copy. Inscribed by the author: "To Tim Powers - a/ good friend & drinking/ companion./ Philip K. Dick." A novel that explicitly dealt with racial issues, which were in the forefront of the political consciousness of the time. A very nice copy.
55. -. Another copy, unsigned. Fine in wrappers. A much- nicer-than-usual copy.
56. The Zap Gun. Pyramid (1967). Serialized in Worlds of Tomorrow as "Project Plowshare" in 1965. Inscribed by the author to Tim Powers, "fellow author." A commentary on the arms race. Very good in wrappers.
57. -. Another copy, not inscribed. Near fine in wrappers.
58. -. Another copy. Two stripes along bottom edge of pages; cover creases. Not quite very good.
59. -. Same title, the reissue, and first hardcover edition (Boston: Gregg Press, 1979). With a new introduction by Charles Platt. Signed by the author. Fine without jacket, as issued.
60. Counter-Clock World. NY: Berkley (1967). Paperback original. Slight rubbing; else fine in wrappers. A very nice copy.
61. The Ganymede Takeover. NY: Ace (1967). A collaboratively written novel, with Ray Nelson. Paperback original. Fine in wrappers.
62. Galactic Pot-Healer. (NY): Berkley Medallion (1969). Paperback original. Vertical crease on back panel; otherwise near fine in wrappers.
63. Ubik. Garden City: Doubleday, 1969. Book club edition. Ubik is one of Dick's great works, the novel that caused him to be elected, in France, to the College du Pataphysiquean avant garde movement inspired by Alfred Jarry's writings, which influenced the Surrealists as well as the development of the Theater of the Absurd. "Pataphysics" was the science of imaginary solutions, and the writers who have been allied with the movement are linked by their wild inventiveness and dedication to the use of the absurd in literature as a means of providing a radical social and psychological critique. This copy is inscribed by the author in 1977 to Powers: "Who is setting me up with Miss Perfect." Near fine in near fine, price-clipped dust jacket.
64. -. Same title, the first paperback edition (Dell, 1970). With a remarkable, lengthy inscription by Dick to Powers: "To Tim - Who advised me not to leave Fullerton and return to Canada. Only Tim and I know to this day how good that advice turned out to be. Only God knows how good it will prove to be later. All I can say is I hope God can get it together better than we can." Near fine in wrappers.
65. -. Same title. (NY: Vintage, 1991). An uncorrected proof copy of the reissue. Fine in wrappers.
66. -. Same title, the first Polish edition (Krakow: Wydawnictwo, 1975). Stanislaw Lem edited the series that this appeared in, and he promoted Dick's work until the two had a falling out over the royalties of this edition. Still, there was much respect, mutually, between the two writers, and Lem had at one time reportedly called Dick the only artist working in the SF field. Inscribed to Tim and Serena Powers and signed "Dick. K. Philip." Interestingly, Dick comments in his inscription that this edition "begins in the middle & fans out in both directions." Near fine in wrappers, with spine-darkened dust jacket.
67. The Preserving Machine. NY: Ace (1969). Paperback original. A collection of stories that has never been released in a trade hardcover in this country, and which contains the story on which the movie Total Recall was based -- "We Can Remember it For You Wholesale." Spine-creased. Very good in wrappers. A somewhat uncommon title.
68. Our Friends from Frolix 8. NY: Ace (1970). Paperback original. Very slight rubbing along the upper front spine fold; else fine in wrappers. A very nice copy.
69. -. Same title, the Book Club edition and first hardcover edition (Garden City, 1971, with "Ace Books" on spine and date code B3 on page 184.) Inscribed by the author to science fiction publisher Roy Squires. Fine in near fine dust jacket that is a bit rubbed, and a little darkened on the flap edges.
70. We Can Build You. NY: DAW Books (1972). Serialized in Amazing in 1969 and 1970 as "A. Lincoln, Simulacrum," with an additional chapter written by editor Ted White. Book store stamp inside front cover, otherwise near fine in wrappers.
71. Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said. Garden City: Doubleday, 1974. Winner of the John W. Campbell Award for 1975 and also nominated for both the Hugo and Nebula Awards. This is an ex-library copy, with pocket removed, some tape stains, label on spine of dust jacket, and a bit cocked. Overall, moderately worn and soiled with all the usual library faults. Warmly inscribed by the author: "To Tim Powers-/ the finest living/ science fiction writer/ in the world, whose/ books are a constant/ inspiration for my own/ work. With many/ thanks./ 3/2/79 Philip K. Dick." With the above-mentioned faults acknowledged, about very good in jacket, and with an excellent inscription and association.
72. Confessions of a Crap Artist. NY: Entwhistle, 1975. A mainstream novel that Dick wrote in 1959 but was turned down for publication by Harcourt Brace, who asked him to rewrite it. The novel portrays the San Francisco of the Beat era, on the verge of entering the Sixties, and was finally published years later by a small press. This is one of 500 hardcover copies of the first edition, issued without dust jacket. This copy is inscribed by the author to Tim Powers: "To Tim Powers/ My best friend &/ advisor/ Philip K. Dick" and dated "11/11/75." In addition, it is signed by Paul Williams, editor of the Philip K. Dick Newsletter, who wrote the introduction. On the rear endsheet, in the form of a home-made colophon, is written (in Tim Powers' hand): "Of three copies of this book/ present at a gathering/ at Philip K. Dick's apartment/ in Santa Ana on 25 March, 1977,/ This is copy number/ 1" beneath which it is signed by the author again. A humorous takeoff on the publication of limited editions and the creation of artificial rarities, this is also, by virtue of its provenance, inscription and "colophon," a unique copy, both a significant association and a specific bit of literary history. Corners very slightly bumped, but still a fine copy.
73. -. Same title, first English edition (London: Magnum, 1979). Paperback original in the U.K. Pages slightly darkened with age, but a near fine copy in wrappers. Inscribed by the author: "To Tim Powers -/ this is the only/ autographed UK/ edition copy/ Philip K. Dick." We do not know if it remains the only signed UK edition, but Dick died just three years later, and signed copies are likely to be uncommon. A remarkable rarity, perhaps unique.
74. The Best of Philip K. Dick. NY: Ballantine (1977). Paperback original. A collection of stories. Bookstore stamps inside front cover; creasing along front spine fold. Very good in wrappers.
75. -. Same title, the galley sheets, 147 pages with four (minor) corrections in the author's hand. Some darkening at margins, galley 5 torn; near fine. Together with a proof of the cover of the book. Unique.
76. A Scanner Darkly. Garden City: Doubleday, 1977. Long galley sheets for the first edition of this drug novel that has been compared to the writings of William S. Burroughs. Two sets of galleys -- one heavily marked by the publisher with final corrections to the text and typesetting, and the other unmarked and identified as the "Foundry Proof." Long sheets folded once, overall very good. Unique.
77. -. Same title. NY: Ballantine (1977). First paperback edition, inscribed by the author: "To Tim: A great writer & friend." About fine in wrappers.
78. -. Same title. (NY: Vintage, 1991). An uncorrected proof copy of the reissue. Fine in wrappers.
79. -. Another copy of the proof of the reissue. Very good in wrappers.
80. A Maze of Death. Bantam (1977). The second paperback reissue of this novel originally published in 1970. Inscribed by the author to Powers, "the sex maniac of Orange County." Fine in wrappers.
81. -. Another copy. Inscribed in 1978: "Tim please stay calm and sain [sic], Love Isa" (i.e., PKD's daughter). Near fine in wrappers.
82. Deus Irae. Garden City: Doubleday, 1976. The "Final Galley Proof," consisting of 62 galley sheets of this novel co-authored with Roger Zelazny. With 15 ink corrections and changes in Dick's hand. Together with the "Page proof," 64 galley sheets, with copy editors' markings. Folded o/w fine. For both:
83. -. Same title, the first edition. Remainder spray bottom page edges; else fine in fine dust jacket with a touch of rubbing at the base of the spine.
84. -. Same title, the British reissue for the Science Fiction Book Club (Newton Abbot: Readers Union, 1978). Inscribed by Dick: "To Tim &/ Serena -/ This novel is a/ lot better than/ critics have said." Near fine in very good dust jacket, sunned on the spine. Still a nice copy of a scarce edition of this title and, again, an excellent association.
85. Eye in the Sky. Boston: Gregg Press, 1979. Reissue, the first hardcover edition of this novel originally published as a paperback original in 1957. Signed by the author. Fine without jacket, as issued.
86. The Golden Man. (NY): Berkley (1980). Paperback original. A collection of stories which Dick helped select, and for which he wrote an introduction and "story notes." Fine in wrappers.
87. -. Same title, the uncorrected proof copy. Inscribed by Dick (somewhat incoherently) to Tim Powers. Near fine in spine- darkened wrappers. An extremely scarce proof and an excellent association.
88. -. Same title, the book club edition and first hardcover (Garden City, 1981, with date code K27 on page 325.) Inscribed by the author to Roy Squires. Fine in dust jacket.
89. Valis. NY: Bantam, 1981. Uncorrected proof copy of what is widely considered Dick's masterpiece, and is certainly the most elaborate metaphysical construct in his fiction, much of which was concerned with the nature of being and of knowledge, and the world behind and beyond appearances. Fragile "pad-bound" proof copy. A letter laid in from the publisher to writer Tim Powers presenting the book indicates that there were only 19 copies of this "bound galley, complete with all the libelous passages." Extremely rare, and a good association, coming from Powers. The letter refers to current sales of Powers' book, The Anubis Gates, which went on to win the "Philip K. Dick Award." A fine copy.
90. -. Same title, the paperback original. Inscribed by the author: "To Tim and Serena with Love" in the year of publication and with a picture of a heart pierced by an arrow. Near fine in wrappers. One of the best possible copies of this book, perhaps the best, short of the dedication copy.
91. -. Another copy, not inscribed. Very near fine in wrappers.
92. The Divine Invasion. NY: Simon & Schuster (1981). The sequel to Valis, originally to have been called Valis Regained. Inscribed by Dick to Powers in the year of publication: "This novel will teach you the True religion," a reaffirmation of Dick's belief that the work he was engaged in -- the understanding of and description of the "vast active living intelligence system" that lay behind the appearances of the world -- was of dramatic metaphysical import. Powers noted that "not more than a dozen copies of this title can ever have been inscribed by Dick, and those in the hands of close friends outside the book world." Near fine in near fine dust jacket. An important book; an excellent association; and an exceptional rarity signed.
93. The Transmigration of Timothy Archer. Galley sheets, 114 leaves present, 22 missing, presumably returned to the publisher with corrections. The last leaf, "About the Author" speaks of Dick as living, but Dick died before the book was published. Last leaf torn, not affecting text. Also included is a transmittal note from Dick to his editor and an Express Mail receipt addressed and signed by Dick. Overall, fine, and perhaps the closest thing there can be to a signed copy of this book.
94. -. Same title, the uncorrected proof copy (NY: Simon & Schuster, 1982) of the final book in the Valis trilogy. Fine in wrappers.
95. Ubik - The Screenplay. Minneapolis: Corroboree, 1985. Posthumously published limited edition of this screenplay, based on Dick's novel. With an introduction by Dick's longtime friend, Paul Williams, and a foreword by novelist Tim Powers. An elaborate production, bound in full leather, with illustrations in both black-and-white and in color, and signed by all the contributors as well as containing a clipped signature of Philip K. Dick. Laid into this copy is the original letter to Powers from the publisher, soliciting his foreword. A significant copy of a Dick rarity.
96. Puttering about in a Small Land. (Chicago): Academy Chicago (1985). A mainstream novel that Dick wrote in the late Fifties, but was not published until well after he died, and then by a relatively small publisher. Remainder stamp to page edges; else near fine in very good jacket.
97. The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick. LA: Underwood/ Miller, 1987. Five volumes. Very fine copies, without dust jackets, as issued. This collection had a small print run, which was quickly exhausted.
98. Mary and the Giant. NY: Arbor (1987). Uncorrected proof copy. A novel originally written in the Fifties and, again, published posthumously. Laid in is a letter to Tim Powers from the publisher requesting a blurb. Spine-faded; else near fine in wrappers.
99. The Broken Bubble. NY: Arbor House (1988). Uncorrected proof copy of this posthumously published mainstream novel, with the signature page from the Ultramarine limited edition laid in, signed by Tim Powers and James Blaylock, who wrote the introduction and the afterword, respectively. Also laid in is a letter from the book's trade publisher asking Powers for a blurb. Fine in wrappers.
100. -. Same title, the limited edition (n.p.: Ultramarine, 1988). Of a total edition of 150 signed copies, this is No. AC1 -- "Author's Copy #1" -- sent to Tim Powers for his contribution to this production. Bound in full leather, stamped in gilt, and signed by Tim Powers and James Blaylock. Fine.
101. -. Another copy, No. AC3. Quarterbound in leather and again signed by Tim Powers and James Blaylock. Fine.