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A Widow for One Year
(Amsterdam), Anthos, (1998). The first Dutch edition and the first trade edition, preceded only by the limited advance issue of the British edition. Apparently, like the main character in the novel -- an American novelist with an affinity for Amsterdam, who arranges to have the first edition of her new book published in the Netherlands prior to its issuance in her home country -- Irving requested this publication sequence. The reason for an advance English edition preceding the Dutch edition reportedly had to do with the fact that the Dutch books were printed in England, and the advance English copies were released while the printed books were enroute to the Netherlands. Scarce: it can be assumed that the publication of an English-language edition in a non-English speaking country with a population 1/20th that of the U.S. would be done in very small numbers. Signed by the author. It's been years since we've seen one of these offered for sale, and that copy wasn't signed. Fine in a fine dust jacket. From the collection of Bruce Kahn. [#911048] SOLD

All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.

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