Catalog 110, M

207.-. Same title, a later printing of the trade paperback edition. This copy bears the ownership signature of Annie Dillard. Near fine in wrappers.
208.MAYOR, Archer. Scent of Evil. NY: Mysterious Press (1992). The third book in his acclaimed mystery series, featuring Lt. Joe Gunther of the Brattleboro, Vermont, police. Signed by the author. Fine in a fine dust jacket.
209.McCABE, Patrick. Breakfast on Pluto. (London): Picador (1998). The advance reading copy, shot from typescript, of this novel by the author of The Butcher Boy, a Booker Prize nominee in 1992. Fine in wrappers.
210.McCARTHY, Cormac. Cities of the Plain. NY: Knopf, 1998. The uncorrected proof copy of the third volume in The Border Trilogy. Rumor has it that at the author's request, fewer proofs (less than 100) were produced for this volume than for the earlier books in the series. Fine in wrappers, laid into a near fine dust jacket.
211.McCLENDON, Lise. Painted Truth. NY: Walker (1995). Her second novel, and the second Alix Thorssen mystery, set in the contemporary West. Signed by the author. Fine in a fine dust jacket.
212.(McGUANE, Thomas). ALLARD, William Albert. Vanishing Breed. Boston: Little, Brown (1982). Folded and gathered sheets -- an advance state -- of this book of photographs by Allard with a foreword by McGuane. Oblong quarto, fine, laid into a near fine dust jacket. A very scarce state of this attractive book.
213.McMILLAN, Terry. Waiting to Exhale. (NY): Viking (1992). Her third book. Signed by the author in the month after publication. Fine in a fine dust jacket.
214.-. Same title, the advance reading copy. Fine in wrappers, with a small sticker changing the publication date on the rear cover.
215.McPHEE, John. The Pine Barrens. NY: FSG (1968). His fourth book, one of his scarcest, and a classic of this kind of reporting: McPhee covers history, natural history, and biography, and in so doing reveals in depth a previously all-but-hidden corner of the world, a wilderness in the heart of the eastern Boston-Richmond megalopolis that occupies one-quarter of the state of New Jersey and is as large as Grand Canyon National Park. This copy has the ownership signature of Kennett Love, who was a reporter for The New York Times as well as being the brother-in-law of writer and naturalist Peter Matthiessen. Fine in a near fine dust jacket. An attractive copy of one of McPhee's best books.
216.MILLER, Henry. The Tropic of Cancer. Paris: Obelisk (1935). The second printing of the first edition of Miller's first novel, his first regularly published book, and the book for which he would gain literary immortality. Tropic of Cancer is a fictionalized autobiography of Miller's first year in Paris, living as an expatriate vagabond writer on the fringe of society. The book was published with money that the writer Anaïs Nin borrowed from psychologist Otto Rank; Miller and Nin remained lifelong friends and sometime lovers. The first printing, in 1934, was 1000 copies issued in printed green and white wrappers. This second printing, 500 copies, was issued in plain wrappers with an illustrated dust jacket: it has been theorized that having a removable dust jacket would make it simpler to move the book across borders. One of the most influential books of the twentieth century, for its depiction of the life of an artist's dedication to free expression, both in his life and in his work, and for the impact that its publication had on issues surrounding obscenity and art. This copy is inscribed by Miller: "For Giacomo Antonini/ - in the hope that/ we will become/ much better acquainted/ Cordially, Henry Miller/ Paris/ 11/36/ 18 Villa Seurat (XIV.)." Heavily spine-sunned; else near fine, lacking the removable dust jacket. Shifreen & Jackson A9b. We have seen very few inscribed copies of the early editions of Tropic of Cancer, perhaps because Miller was poor enough that he was disinclined to give them away.
217.-. Same title. NY: Medvsa, 1940. A piracy, and the first American edition, this being the variant in plain magenta wrappers. Shifreen & Jackson A9q. There were 1000 copies printed of the Medvsa edition of Tropic of Cancer (for which its publisher, Jacob Brussel, went to prison for publishing pornography); in addition, there were between 200 and 500 extra copies which went to New York erotica publisher Samuel Roth and were sold privately by him. The bibliography identified seven binding variants of these overrun copies (although there were probably more). Because they were not part of the contractual agreement between Brussel and Miller, and Miller almost surely received no royalties for them, they are legitimately considered piracies. Covers sunned, particularly on the spine; front wrapper and half-title neatly detached, thus only a fair, but repairable, copy. A fragile, early variant of one of the literary high spots of the modern era, and its first appearance in the U.S.; it was not published here legally until more than twenty years later.
218.MILLER, Henry. What Are You Going To Do About Alf? (Paris): (Lecram Servant) [1935]. Small, fragile, early volume by Miller, practically a miniature book, approximately 3/4" x 5". Self-published with money he earned from Tropic of Cancer. Shifreen & Jackson A10a. "By Henry Miller" has been penned on the first blank (by the author?). According to a note by Shifreen & Jackson about the second edition: "Miller's name is signed in The First Edition but printed in [the] Second." Slight surface soiling; very near fine in stapled wrappers.
219.-. Same title, the third edition, being the first American edition. Berkeley: Bern Porter (1944). Published in an edition of 738 copies and censored within 48 hours: Bern Porter was forced to ink out 14 words in the 738 copies, which he did, or attempted, in all but 11 copies. This copy has 10 words inked out (but still legible). This edition added a watercolor by Miller, making it Miller's first illustrated book. Fine in a near fine dust wrapper.
220.-. Same title. (London): Turret Books (1971). The limited issue of the fourth edition, first British edition. One of 100 numbered copies signed by Miller and Alfred Perlès, who provides an epilogue. Fine in a fine dust jacket, with announcement of publication laid in.
221.MILLER, Henry. Black Spring. Paris: Obelisk Press (1936). Miller's second regularly published book, one of 1000 copies printed by the Obelisk Press, which had published Tropic of Cancer. This title consists of ten autobiographical stories and, again like Tropic of Cancer, its publication was suppressed in the U.S. for many years after its original publication in France. Owner name first blank; covers beginning to separate from spine; very good in self-wrappers. A nice copy of a scarce, early and important Miller book.
222.-. Same title, the second Obelisk edition, 1938, which also had a print run of 1000 copies. Rubbed and spine-creased wrappers; very good.
223.MILLER, Henry. "Mohamed Ali Sarwat." Letter from Egypt via Washington, D.C. (Paris): Booster [1937]. Pseudonymously published pamphlet inserted into the October 1937 issue of The Booster magazine. Shifreen & Jackson A15. Fine. A scarce, ephemeral piece.
224.MILLER, Henry. Money and How It Gets That Way. Paris: Booster Publications [1938]. A fragile volume in wrappers, published in an edition of 495 copies. Pages uncut, a fine copy in wrappers; in a custom clamshell box.
225.-. Same title, the first American edition. [Berkeley]: Bern Porter, 1946. Illustrated by Jack Wright. One of 1500 copies. Fine in tall wrappers.
226.MILLER, Henry. Hamlet. (Puerto Rico): Carrefour (1939). Letters between Michael Fraenkel and Henry Miller. This is the trade edition: one of 475 copies. A fine copy in wrappers. A beautiful copy of this book published by one of the most important avant garde presses of the 20th century, which was founded by Fraenkel and American poet Walter Lowenfels, who introduced Fraenkel to Miller. Miller, Fraenkel and Lowenfels formed what has come to be known as the "Triumvirate of Death," because so much of their writing -- and that published by Carrefour -- focused on the theme of the spiritual death of Western Man.
227.MILLER, Henry. The Cosmological Eye. Norfolk: New Directions (1939). One of 2000 copies printed. Spine-darkened cloth; a near fine copy, lacking the dust jacket.
228.MILLER, Henry. The World of Sex. [Chicago]: J.H.N. (1940). Published by Ben Abramson in a low profile venture that, according to bibliographers Shifreen & Jackson, was intended to fly below the legal radar of Miller's first wife, Beatrice, who was unflatteringly portrayed in the text. A fine copy in a very good dust jacket that was once taped to itself over the edges of the boards and now has the tape remnants remaining. The stated limitation is 250 copies, although the bibliographers suggest that the number was probably much higher than that -- between 750 and 1000 copies. However, they identify four binding variants, of which this is the first, and the only one that they saw in dust jacket; their suggestion is that each of the variants may have had about 250 copies printed and that the others may have been issued without dust jackets. A very scarce item in jacket.
229.MILLER, Henry. The Colossus of Maroussi. San Francisco: Colt Press (1941). An account of Miller's travels in Greece, heavily steeped in mystical philosophy, which caused the book to be turned down by numerous publishers before finally being accepted by William Roth of the Colt Press in San Francisco. Miller received an $80 advance for the book. Offsetting front endpages from something previously laid in, faint sunning to spine label; otherwise a fine copy in a near fine, slightly sunned dust jacket. A very attractive copy.
230.-. Same title, the first French edition. (Paris): Les Éditions du Chêne (1958). Inscribed by the author in 1961. Beneath the inscription, Miller has written "mon livre préféré." Near fine in wrappers.
231.MILLER, Henry. Murder the Murderer. [Big Sur]: [Bern Porter], 1944. One of 1000 copies. A strip of sunning to rear cover and very slight edge-chipping; near fine in wrappers. A fragile book, printed during wartime on cheap paper as a result of the restrictions that were in effect at that time.
232.-. Same title, the first British edition. (Fordingbridge, Hants): Delphic Press (1946). Minor sunning and handling; near fine in wrappers. The text is glued to the flaps of the wrappers, but this is apparently as published.
233.MILLER, Henry. The Plight of the Creative Artist in the United States of America. [Houlton]: [Bern Porter] [1944]. One of 950 numbered copies, signed by the publisher in pencil. The text also bears several pencilled corrections. Outer (blank) leaf neatly separated at the staples; else fine and laid into slightly dust yellow wrappers.
234.MILLER, Henry. Max and the White Phagocytes. Paris: Obelisk Press [1945]. The second edition of the second volume in the Villa Seurat series, using plates from the 1938 edition and still stating "First Published September 1938" on the verso of the half-title, but with re-ordered prelims and cheaply produced in green wrappers. Some general, minor rubbing and creasing; about near fine.
235.MILLER, Henry. Maurizius Forever. San Francisco: Colt Press, 1946. The first edition, one of 500 copies. Offsetting to endpages; else fine in a fine, plain brown dustwrapper. A beautiful copy of this book printed at the Grabhorn Press, which reproduces a number of linoleum block interpretations of Miller's drawings and watercolors, illustrating the text. Seldom found with the dust jacket, let alone in fine condition.
236.-. Same title. Waco: Motive, 1946. The second edition, printed the same month as the limited edition, above. Stapled wrappers, fine, laid into a spine-sunned, else fine dust wrapper.
237.-. Same title, the third edition. Michigan City: Fridjok-Karla (1959). Fine, laid into a fine dust jacket. With the forged signature "Your friend, Henry Miller" that the bibliographer notes has turned up on all copies examined.
238.MILLER, Henry. Patchen. Man of Anger & Light. (NY): (Padell) (1946). An essay on Patchen by Miller and a reprint of "A Letter to God" by Patchen. Only issued in wrappers, in an edition of 2500 copies. Lower corners lightly bumped, else fine in stapled wrappers, in dust jacket. A very nice copy.
239.MILLER, Henry. The Smile at the Foot of the Ladder. (NY): Duell, Sloan & Pearce (1948). First edition, attractively printed and bound by Merle Armitage and illustrated with reproductions of drawings by Picasso, Chagall and others. Trace rubbing to lower boards edges, else fine, lacking the dust jacket.
240.MILLER, Henry. Sexus. Paris: Obelisk Press (1949). The first edition, in two volumes, of the first book in Miller's "Rosy Crucifixion" trilogy -- Sexus, Nexus and Plexus. Issued in a numbered edition of 3000 copies, apparently without dust jackets. The first volume has a white stain on the rear (green) cloth. Both volumes bear scars to the endpages from the application and removal of green plastic tape, which once affixed a homemade dust jacket: ugly endpages; very good, without jackets, as issued, and without the fading to the spines that is usually endemic to this title.
241.MILLER, Henry. Plexus. (Paris): Corrêa (1952). The true first edition, one of 100 numbered copies, in French, preceding all other editions. A bit of offsetting to the endpapers; otherwise a fine copy in a fine dust jacket. An exceedingly scarce edition, which was not seen by the bibliographers, Shifreen and Jackson. This copy is unopened and as close to "as new" condition as one could hope for.
242.-. Same title, the first English-language edition. Paris: Olympia Press (1953). Two volumes. One of 2000 numbered copies, these volumes both bearing the number "1645." Faint edge-foxing and slight corner bumping; very near fine copies, without dust jackets, as issued.
243.-. Same title, the ninth edition, the first British edition. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson (1963). Page edges foxed; near fine in a very near fine dust jacket with the lamination separating at the spine folds.
244.MILLER, Henry. The Books in My Life. (Norfolk): New Directions [1952]. The first American edition. One of 2500 copies. Chapters on Blaise Cendrars, Rider Haggard, Jean Giono, among others. Near fine in a fair dust jacket with the top half unevenly torn and close to detaching.
245.MILLER, Henry. Souvenir Souvenirs. [Paris]: Gallimard (1953). The first French edition of Remember to Remember, printed in a total edition of 86 copies, of which this is one of six lettered hors commerce copies. A trifle bit of edge-sunning; still fine in wrappers, in French-folded glassine wrapper. A notable rarity, one of the smallest issues of any Miller book.
246.MILLER, Henry. Quiet Days in Clichy. Paris: Olympia Press, 1956. The first edition, illustrated with numerous photographs by Brassai. This novel was a reworking of two stories Miller originally wrote on commission in 1940 for a collector of pornography (who reportedly found them "too poetic"). Slight foxing to page edges and a bit of spine creasing; very near fine in self-wrappers. A very nice copy of a scarce and fragile item.
247.MILLER, Henry. Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymous Bosch. (NY): New Directions (1957). Miller's tribute to Big Sur, his longtime home, in which he uses the images of Hieronymous Bosch's painting, "The Garden of Delights," as the point of departure for his encomiums to the California landscape. Foxing to page edges and endpages; near fine in a good dust jacket.
248.MILLER, Henry. Trópico de Capricornio. Buenos Aires: Santiago Rueda (1960). The first Argentine edition of Tropic of Capricorn. A very good copy in self-wrappers, inexpertly tape-repaired at the hinges and folds.
249.MILLER, Henry. The Henry Miller to Lowenfels Letters. [New Orleans]: [Loujon Press] [1963]. Seven unbound leaves from The Outsider magazine, Vols. 1 and 2, published in a set of 200 in 1963, although the bibliographers, Shifreen & Jackson, describe the sets as 13 unbound leaves printed on rectos only, and this set is printed on both sides, with the final leaf blank. Mild acidification, else fine. An uncommon and ephemeral Miller item.
250.MILLER, Henry. Just Wild About Harry. (Norfolk): New Directions (1963). Miller's only play, printed in an edition of 4300 copies. Dusty top edge, else fine in a rubbed, very good dust jacket.
251.MILLER, Henry. Order and Chaos Chez Hans Reichel. (Tucson): (Loujon Press) (1966). One of the most elaborately produced volumes in the elaborate history of the Loujon Press -- hand printed and bound by Jon and "Gypsy Lou" Webb in a dazzling array of colored papers and hand made sheets, with an original photographic portrait of Miller bound in. This is the Blue Oasis Limited Issue, one of 99 copies, quarterbound in blue leather and white cloth boards. Signed by the author on 6/6/66. S&J A157b. Fine in a fine slipcase. A beautiful copy of a magnificently produced book.
252.-. Same title, the extremely rare Orange Oasis Limited issue, one of only 3 copies produced. S&J A157d, although the bibliographers did not see it, and only learned of its existence through mention of it in a letter from Jon Webb to Miller. Signed by Miller 11/27/66. In addition, the colophon bears the following note: "Copy #3 in the Orange Oasis Edition: -- only 3 copies were made in this edition: -- one went to the author, Henry Miller; -- #2 remains in the possession of Loujon Press: -- #3 was purchased 2/20/68 by _____. Jon Webb." Probably the rarest issue of any Miller title. Fine in a fine slipcase.
253.-. Same title, the cork issue of 1967. S&J A157g. A lettered limited edition created from the 1399 copy print run of A157c. Copy "B," signed by Miller in 1967. A bit of tape residue to dust wrapper, else fine in fine slipcase.
254.MILLER, Henry. Insomnia or the Devil at Large. Albuquerque: Loujon Press, 1970. Another of the extravagant editions produced by Lou and Jon Webb, collectively the Loujon Press. This is edition G, done in a limitation of 385 copies signed by the author on May 1, 1970. Lacking the portfolio of 12 prints. According to the bibliographer, approximately 200 of them were issued in a wooden box (left over from unsold copies of the more deluxe editions) and the remainder were issued without the box. This copy does not have the wooden box. Spiralbound; fine.
255.-. Same title, the third edition but first trade edition. (Garden City): (Doubleday) (1974). An autobiographical account of Miller's falling in love, at age 75, with a 25 year-old woman. Quarto, illustrated with reproductions of 12 of Miller's watercolor paintings. Near fine in a near fine dust jacket.
256.MILLER, Henry. The Waters Reglitterized. Santa Barbara: Capra Press, 1973. First edition thus, a piece originally published in 1950. This is one of 285 numbered copies signed by the author. Fine, without dust jacket, as issued.
257.MILLER, Henry and FOWLIE, Wallace. Letters of Henry Miller and Wallace Fowlie (1943-1972). NY: Grove Press (1975). Introduction by Wallace Fowlie. Signed by Miller. Remainder mark; near fine in a near fine dust jacket.
258.MILLER, Henry. The Nightmare Notebook. (NY): New Directions (1975). A limited edition of 700 copies signed by the author, reproducing in facsimile a journal that Miller kept in 1939 on the trip to the U.S. that resulted in his books The Air-Conditioned Nightmare and Remember to Remember. Quarto, reproducing Miller's writings and paintings. A fine copy in the original tissue dust jacket, which is very near fine.
259.MILLER, Henry. My Bike & Other Friends. Santa Barbara: Capra Press, 1978. The first edition, limited issue of the second volume in his "Book of Friends" trilogy. One of 250 copies signed by the author. Fine in a fine, price-clipped dust jacket.
260.-. Same title, the trade edition. Fine in a near fine dust jacket.
261.MILLER, Henry. Love Between the Sexes. NY: Greenwich Books, 1978. An essay on Love, in particular as it pertains to the streak of Puritanism in American culture. Published as a small limited edition, one of 250 numbered copies. Fine in oblong saddle-stitched self-wraps, with a Tom Bloom cover illustration.
262.MILLER, Henry. Joey. Santa Barbara: Capra Press, 1979. The third volume of Miller's "Book of Friends," for the most part a portrait of Alfred Perlès, along with thirteen portraits of women. This is the hardcover issue. Bump to spine base; else fine in a near fine dust jacket.
263.-. Same title, the issue in wrappers. Fine.
264.MILLER, Henry. L'oscenitá e la legge di riflessione. (Milano): (All Insegna del Pesce D'oro) (1962). The first Italian edition of Obscenity and the Law of Reflection, a volume first published in 1945 at the Alicat Book Shop. One of 2000 numbered copies, with 30 pages of photographs not in the original volume. Approximately 3 3/4" x 5". Fine in wrappers, with dust jacket, and wraparound band.
265.MILLER, Henry. Notes on "Aaron's Rod." Black Sparrow: Santa Barbara, 1980. The hardcover limited edition, one of 250 numbered copies signed by the author. Miller's notes on Aaron's Rod and other writings by D. H. Lawrence. Fine in an acetate dust jacket.
266.MILLER, Henry. O Lake of Light. (n.p.): Capra Press, 1981. A broadside poem first published in Wake magazine, here issued as a holiday greeting. One of 26 numbered copies signed by Noel Young, Miller's editor and the publisher of Capra Press. 4 1/4" x 10". Fine.
267.MILLER, Henry. Opus Pistorum. NY: Grove (1983). A posthumously published novel. Faint foredge foxing; else fine in a fine dust jacket.
268.MILLER, Henry. Letters from Henry Miller to Hoki Tokuda Miller. NY: Freundlich (1986). Posthumously published volume of Miller's letters to his fifth and last wife, a summing up of his thoughts on love, sex and morality. Illustrated with photographs and reproductions of Miller's watercolors. Fine in a fine dust jacket.
269.MILLER, Henry. The Mezzotints. Ann Arbor: Roger Jackson, 1993. A facsimile edition of Miller's first eight separate publications, individual broadsides that he and June distributed in New York in the Twenties, with a booklet providing a detailed history. This is the "library edition," limited to 400 copies. Folding chemise, hardbound in raspberry covers. Fine.
270.-. Same title, "the limited edition." One of 100 copies, numbered and signed by the publisher. This issue includes a photograph of Henry and June's Brooklyn home from which they wrote and sold the Mezzotints and a photocopy of one of the originals. In folding chemise bound into blue marbled covers. Fine.
271.-. Same title, "the private edition." Copy "A" of 26 lettered copies. As above but with photocopies of all of the original Mezzotints and facsimiles of three literary artifacts relating to the Mezzotints. In this issue, the historical booklet is hardbound, and both it and the hardbound chemise holding the facsimiles are laid into a clamshell box. Fine.
272.MILLER, Henry. Henry Miller's Semblance of a Devoted Past: A Study in Censorship. Ann Arbor: Roger Jackson [1996]. In 1945, Bern Porter, in the process of publishing Miller's Semblance of a Devoted Past, was forced to delete certain words and phrases that were not restored until 1968. This little booklet, with an introduction by Roger Jackson and an afterword by Bern Porter, publishes the words removed. 2 3/4" x 4 1/4". Fine, in glassine envelope.
273.-. Same title, the limited edition. One of 50 numbered copies signed by Bern Porter. Fine, in glassine envelope, with the dedication provided on a wraparound band.
274.(MILLER, Henry). Now, Vol. 1, No. 1. (NY): (William Johnson), 1941. Miller contributes "A Letter to Albion Moonlight," Moonlight being the protagonist of Kenneth Patchen's The Journal of Albion Moonlight. Fine in stapled wrappers. A very nice copy of this small, undoubtedly short-lived, journal.
275.(MILLER, Henry). MOORE, Nicholas. Henry Miller. Wigginton, Herts.: Opus Press, 1943. A short monograph. With a typed letter signed by Moore laid in, defending his work as not having been intended as a critical study. Fine in stapled wrappers, with a few corrections made to the text, presumably by the author. An early work about Miller.
276.(MILLER, Henry). PERLES, Alfred. The Renegade. London: Allen & Unwin (1943). A novel by Perlès, for which Miller provides an introduction. As Miller has not read the book, he introduces his friend Perlès instead. A near fine copy in a fair, internally tape-repaired dust jacket missing the front flap.
277.(MILLER, Henry). Interim, Vol. 1, No. 1. (Seattle): (A. Wilbur Stevens), 1944. Miller contributes "Day in the Park," a fragment from Air-Conditioned Nightmare. "Sample Copy" stamped on rear cover and written in pencil on front cover; fine in stapled wrappers.
278.(MILLER, Henry). New Road. Directions in European Art and Letters. London: Grey Walls Press (1945). Miller's piece, "Shadowy Monomania," concerns D.H. Lawrence. A cheaply produced book -- typical of British books during wartime and in the early postwar years -- this is a very good copy in a good dust jacket, chipped at the extremities and fragile at the folds.
279.(MILLER, Henry). Death, Vol. 1, No. 1. NY: Harry Herschkowitz, 1946. "Letter from Henry Miller to Stefan Schimanski." Pages acidifying; chipping to corners and spine; extremely fragile, but about very good in wrappers, and remarkable for having been preserved this well.
280.(MILLER, Henry). The New Spirit. (London): Dennis Dobson (1946). Miller writes on Anghelos Sikelianos, a Greek poet. Foxing to page edges; near fine in a good dust jacket with chipping at the corners and spine.
281.(MILLER, Henry). Leaves in the Storm. London: Drummond (1947). A collection of diary excerpts from contemporary writers including Miller, Gertrude Stein, Stephen Spender, V.S. Pritchett, and many others. Miller's contribution is entitled "Golden California" and is addressed to Stefan Schimanski. Foxing to page edges; offsetting to endpages; small bite marks rear cloth; a good copy in a very good, spine-tanned dust jacket, with matching bite marks.
282.(MILLER, Henry). Of, By & About Henry Miller. Yonkers: Oscar Baradinsky/Alicat Bookshop, 1947. A collection of pieces about Miller, including writing by Wallace Fowlie, Aldous Huxley, H.L. Mencken, William Carlos Williams, and others, as well as several pieces by Miller. Quarto, stapled wrappers, one of 1000 copies. Fine in lightly edgeworn, oversize wrappers.
283.(MILLER, Henry). FRAENKEL, Michael. Défense du Tropique du Cancer. Paris: Variété (1947). One of 3051 numbered copies of Fraenkel's statement in defense of Miller's book. Pages uncut; slight foxing; a very near fine copy in self-wrappers with wraparound band, preserved in French-folded glassine wraps.
284.(MILLER, Henry). BRASSAI. Histoire de Marie. (Paris): (Point du Jour) (1949). Poetry by the French photographer, with an introduction by Miller. One of 2061 numbered copies. Pages uncut; fine in wrappers.
285.(MILLER, Henry). La Tour de Feu, No. 47. (Bordeaux): (1955). French literary magazine, this issue focusing on Miller, with writing by him and about him. Pages uncut; near fine in wrappers.
286.(MILLER, Henry). Art & Outrage. London/NY: Putnam/Dutton, 1959/1961. A review copy of the American edition, consisting of the true first (British) edition, copyedited on the title page and front flap to reflect changes to be made in the American edition, with review slip laid in. Correspondence about Miller between Lawrence Durrell and Alfred Perlès, with interjections by Miller. Miller met both Durrell and Perlès in Paris in the Thirties. Dusty top edge; fine in a near fine dust jacket.
287.-. Same title, the American edition. NY: Dutton, 1961. Fine in a fine dust jacket.
288.(MILLER, Henry). WEBB, William. Henry and Friends. Santa Barbara: Capra Press, 1991. One of 100 numbered copies, with an original photograph of Miller signed by Webb laid in. Foreword by Gretel Ehrlich. The trade edition was done in wrappers; the signed limited edition was the only hardcover issue. Fine, without dust jacket, as issued,
289.(MILLER, Henry). SHIFREEN, Lawrence J. and JACKSON, Robert. Henry Miller: A Bibliography of Primary Sources. (Ann Arbor): Shifreen & Jackson, 1993. The much-cited bibliography. This is the limited edition. One of 85 copies signed by Jackson. This edition contains two laid in photographs, one of the first edition of Tropic of Cancer, the other of its first foreign translation. Together with Volume Two, published by Jackson & Ashley the following year. This is also the limited edition, one of 75 copies, and includes a facsimile of Miller's first "B" item published in America. Both volumes fine, without jackets, as issued.
290.(MILLER, Henry). Henry Miller: A Book of Tributes, 1931-1994. (Orlando): Standishbooks (1994). The trade edition of this massive compilation. Fine without dust jacket, as issued.
291.(MILLER, Henry). PORTER, Bern. "A Sex Oriented, Woman Connected Guy Doing His Own Thing." (Ann Arbor): (Roger Jackson) (1996). The limited edition. Questions about Miller, answered by Porter. One of 75 copies signed by the publisher. This edition includes three sheets of color reproductions of photographs used in the publication and one original manuscript page laid in. Fine in stapled wrappers and near fine envelope.
292.MILOSZ, Czeslaw. Visions from San Francisco Bay. NY: FSG (1982). The first American edition of this collection of essays by the Nobel Prize winner. Signed by the author under the chapter heading "The Dance of Death and Human Inequality." Fine in a very near fine dust jacket with a small tear at the base of the spine.
293.MILOSZ, Czeslaw. Unattainable Earth. NY: Ecco Press (1986). A collection of poetry and other pieces, of his own and of others, that attempt to "approach the inexpressible sense of being." Translated by Milosz and Robert Hass, who was at the time Poet Laureate of the U.S., and signed by Milosz. This is the hardcover issue, and is fine in a fine dust jacket.
294.MOODY, Rick. The Ice Storm. Boston: Little Brown (1994). His second book, made into a film by Ang Lee that won an award at Cannes, for best screenplay adaptation from a novel, and was the only American film to be honored at Cannes that year. Moody was selected by the New Yorker for its list of the "20 Best Young Writers" in America. Fine in a fine dust jacket, and signed by the author.
295.MOODY, Rick. The Ring of Brightest Angels Around Heaven. Boston: Little Brown (1995). His third book and his first collection of short fiction. Fine in a fine dust jacket and signed by the author.
296.MOORE, Lorrie. Self-Help. NY: Knopf, 1985. The first book, a collection of stories, by this Granta 20 author. Tiny spots to top edge; still fine in a dust jacket with one small closed edge tear.
297.MORGAN, Seth. Homeboy. NY: Random House (1990). His award-winning first novel, which had already earned something of a cult following when its author was killed in a violent incident typical of the seedy street culture he chronicled in his novel. Signed by the author. Needless to say, signed copies of this title are quite scarce. Fine in a fine dust jacket.
298.MORRIS, Wright. The Field of Vision. NY: Harcourt Brace (1956). A review copy; winner of the National Book Award for fiction in 1957. A couple page corners creased, otherwise a fine copy in a very good, spine-faded dust jacket with a creased tear at the upper front panel.
299.MORRISON, Toni. The Bluest Eye. NY: HRW (1970). The scarce first book by this Nobel and Pulitzer Prize-winning author. A coming-of-age story about a year in the life of a young black girl who endures a series of hardships and degradations and finally becomes so fixated on the blue eyes of a friend's doll that she goes insane. With this novel, Morrison began the exploration of race in American culture and society, and especially within the black community, that has become the dominant theme of her writing. It was not until her third novel, Song of Solomon, was published, however, that Morrison received widespread national attention. Since then, her books have been bestsellers upon publication, and Beloved, her fifth book, was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1988. Inscribed by Morrison. This is a fine copy in a fine dust jacket with a hint of yellowing on the front flap. An increasingly uncommon book.
300.MORRISON, Toni. Sula. NY: Knopf, 1974. Her scarce second novel, which uses the theme of the friendship between two black women to explore issues of race, conformity and expectations within the black community, and within the larger white society. Morrison's books address the question of the alienation of the black community, especially poor blacks, from a society that idealizes the white middle class. However, she also raises the question of alienation from the black "mainstream" as well, by the refusal to accept and internalize the ambivalence of the white society toward blacks. This copy is signed by the author. Fine in a very near fine dust jacket with a tiny, internally tape-mended edge tear.
301.MORRISON, Toni. Postage Stamp. [Stockholm]: [Swedish Postal Service], 1993. A postage stamp issued as part of the Swedish series commemorating winners of the Nobel Prize. This stamp, with a value of "6KR," has a portrait of the author and is signed by Morrison. Fine.
302.MUSIL, Robert. The Man without Qualities. London: Secker & Warburg, 1953, 1954, 1960. The first English edition of his masterwork, three volumes present; the fourth volume, intended to contain Musil's concluding chapters and unfinished at the time of his death, is not present: it was not published in English until a new translation was done in 1996. Musil's great work has been compared to that of Proust and Joyce; in focusing on a year in the life of an Austrian intellectual near the onset of the First World War, he explored not only the culture of the time but the way that ideas shape human lives and events, giving the novel a transcendent relevance beyond its own era. The first two volumes exhibit a bit of loss to the spine stamping; the books are otherwise fine in near fine, spine-tanned dust jackets, the first two of which are deeply price-clipped. For the three: