Vietnam War Literature, 1

1. Albright, John, John A. Cash, and Allan Sandstrum. SEVEN FIREFIGHTS IN VIETNAM. Washington DC: US Army, 1970. Recounts seven individual firefights. Only issued in wrappers.
2. Allen, Marilyn R. LBJ'S WAR IN VIETNAM. Salt Lake City: (n.p.) 1965. Right-wing pamphlet against the war, Number 28 in the I Love America Series. Pages browned otherwise near fine.
3. Anderson, Charles. THE GRUNTS. San Rafael, CA: Presidio, 1976. First edition. Follows one Marine company during a 58-day operation. Fine in fine dust jacket. An important title, which was reprinted both by the publisher and by a book club and is relatively scarce in the first edition.
4. Anderson, William C. BAT-21. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall (1980). Account of an Air Force colonel shot down near the DMZ and the manhunt for him, by U.S. and North Vietnamese forces. Fine in price-clipped dj. Basis for the film, and by the author of THE GOONEY BIRD.
5. Anson, Robert Sam. WAR NEWS. NY: Simon & Schuster (1989). Personal account of "A Young Reporter in Indochina" by one of the so-called "young turks" who brought an irreverent perspective to the reporting of the war. New, list price.
6. WE ACCUSE. Berkeley: Diablo (1965). Early antiwar statements by Norman Mailer, Paul Krassner, Mario Savio, Dick Gregory, Bertrand Russell, a.o. Only issued in paperback. Very good.
7. VIETNAM PRIMER. SF: Ramparts (1966). Important early antiwar collection, with statements by Bernard Fall, Donald Duncan, a.o. Pages yellowing otherwise near fine.
8. -. Another copy, pages browned, else very good.
9. LETTERS FROM VIETNAM. NY: Parallax (1966). Early collection of letters home from the war. Only issued in wrappers. Sticker on front cover, laid over hole punched through cover and first leaf. Overall a very good copy.
10. (Hirsch, Phil, ed.). DIRTY LITTLE WARS. NY: Pyramid (1967). War stories from Man's Magazine, including one set in Vietnam. Paperback original. Stain along foredge, wear at spine extremities and hinges; only a good copy. An uncommon collection.
11. (Hirsch, Phil, ed.). VIETNAM COMBAT. NY: Pyramid (1967). Paperback original, a collection of true stories, from Man's Magazine. Very good.
12. (Woolf, Cecil and John Bagguley). AUTHORS TAKE SIDES ON VIETNAM. Lon: Peter Owen (1967). First English edition of this noteworthy collection of statements on the war by more than 250 prominent authors. This collection was modeled on a similar collection published in the 1930s, pertaining to the Spanish Civil War. Among the contributors are Auden, James Baldwin, John Updike, Doris Lessing, William Burroughs, Graham Greene, Italo Calvino and many others. A distinguished grouping which includes several future Nobel Prize winners. This, the English edition, was the only hardcover publication. Near fine in dust jacket.
13. -. Same title, the first edition in the U.S. (NY: Simon & Schuster, 1967). Only issued in wrappers, an oversize volume with a slightly different collection of authors. Lightly rubbed; very good.
14. LIVING AT WAR. A Collection of Contemporary Responses to the Draft. (n.p.): (n.p.) (n.d.). Spiralbound collection, apparently done in 1968 by students at the University of Chicago, containing personal statements by soldiers, draft evaders, and others; also includes poetry and drawings. Several pages appear to be missing from this very scarce and revealing period piece. Not least interesting among the letters reproduced is a somewhat sympathetic letter from a draft board, to an individual who had indicated his resistance to the draft and the war by returning his draft card. Very good.
15. DELIVERED INTO RESISTANCE. Bronx: The Cantonsville Nine - Milwaukee Fourteen Defence Committee (1969). Pamphlet printing essays by Daniel Berrigan, Barbara Deming, William Kunstler, Staughton Lynd, a.o., along with statements by the defendants. Owner name on front cover and first blank, otherwise about fine in wrappers.
16. WHO WE ARE. An Atlantic Chronicle of the United States and Vietnam. Boston: Little Brown (1969). A collection of articles from the Atlantic Monthly, including pieces by Frances FitzGerald, Robert Stone, Ward Just, Tom Wicker, a.o. Many of the articles attempt to convey some personal perspective, either the author's own or that of the subjects, rather than attempting to provide "objective" factual information. Fine in a near fine dust jacket.
17. Weisberg, Barry. ECOCIDE IN INDOCHINA. The Ecology of War. San Francisco: Canfield (1970). A collection of essays on environmental and cultural damage inflicted on Vietnam by the war. Many first-hand accounts. Spine cracking with age; very good in wrappers. Uncommon.
18. Ly Qui Chung (Editor). BETWEEN TWO FIRES. The Unheard Voices of Vietnam NY: Praeger (1970). Introduction by Frances Fitzgerald. A fine copy in dust jacket.
19. RESISTANCE AND BEYOND. Pittsburg: Pittsburg Resistance, 1970. A collection of personal statements perpared for and by this resistance group. Quarto sheets, spiralbound in wrappers. Uncommon.
20. Comite Cubano Organizador del Segundo Simposio. SECOND SYMPOSIUM AGAINST YANKEE GENOCIDE IN VIET NAM. (La Habana): (Instituto Cubano del Libro) (1971). English-language edition of the statements and declarations of this symposium. Near fine copy.
21. -. Another copy, this one with the original dust jacket.
22. Helsop, J.M. & Van Orden, Dell R. FROM THE SHADOW OF DEATH. Stories of POWs. Salt Lake City: Deseret, 1973. Mormon POW accounts, published in a textbook-like format by a Mormon publishing company. Fine without dust jacket, apparently as issued.
23. Grant, Zalin. SURVIVORS. NY: Norton (1975). Account of a number of American POWs, told by a former intelligence officer in Vietnam. This is a second printing, fine in price-clipped dust jacket.
24. Weddle, Dennis R. I WOULD HAVE GAVE MY LIFE... but I don't think my parents would like it. (n.p.): Weddle, (1978). Anthology of writings and drawings, many from children, welcoming home returning POWs. Fine in dust jacket. Scarce, self-published volume.
25. A DISTANT CHALLENGE. The U.S. Infantryman in Vietnam, 1967-1972. Nashville: Battery (1983). Book club edition of this collection of individuals' tales, with an introduction by Gen. Westmoreland. This copy stamped with publisher's ownership stamp, otherwise fine in dust jacket.
26. "The Fall of Saigon" in GRANTA 15. NY: Granta (1985). Paperback literary magazine, containing pieces about Vietnam by James Fenton, Frank Snepp, Norman Podhoretz, a.o. Fine.
27. DEAR AMERICA. Letters Home From Vietnam. NY: Norton (1985). Collection of soldiers letters home. Fine in near fine dust jacket with two short tears rear panel.
28. THE WRITER IN OUR WORLD. A Triquarterly Symposium. Bos: Atlantic Monthly (1986). With articles relating to Vietnam by Ward Just, Gloria Emerson and Robert Stone, and a question-and-answer session which includes Grace Paley, a.o. Fine in dust jacket.
29. -. Two Audio Cassette Tapes consisting of highlights from the symposium. Totaling 173 minutes, and featuring Emerson, Stone, Just, Grace Paley, and others. New, as issued:
30. CULTURAL CRITIQUE. American Representations of Vietnam. Number 3 Spring 1986. Minneapolis: Society for Cultural Critique (1986). Poetry, opinion and personal accounts from the war, including critiques of Dispatches, Going After Cacciato and Sticks and Bones. Near fine.
31. Keeva, Sally Hayton. VALIANT WOMEN IN WAR AND EXILE. SF: City Lights (1987). Stories by women from all over the world about their experiences with war, some in Vietnam. Uncorrected proof copy, quarto galley sheets bound in plain card covers. Fine. Presumably only a very small number would have been printed in this format.
32. Occhiogrosso, Peter. ONCE A CATHOLIC. Bos: HM, 1987. Anthology about growing up Catholic, with comments by various writers marginally related to the war in Vietnam. Fine in dust jacket.
33. THE LEGACY. The Vietnam War in the American Imagination. Bos: Beacon (1990). Uncorrected proof of this collection of essays, not yet published. Fine.
End of Anthologies 34. Ashmore, Harry S. and Baggs, William C. MISSION TO HANOI. A Chronicle of Double-Dealing in High Places. NY: Putnam (1968). A special report from the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions. Includes a chronology of American involvement in Vietnam. Personal account by these journalists about their involvement in negotiations with Hanoi. Near fine in dust jacket.
35. Atkinson, Rick. THE LONG GRAY LINE. The American Journey of West Point's Class of 1966. Bos: HM, 1989. Follows members of the West Point class of '66 through their various journeys, many of which had to do with Vietnam. Advance reading copy in printed wrappers. Fine.
36. Bain, David Howard. AFTERSHOCKS. A Tale of Two Victims. NY: Methuen (1980). Nonfiction account of the murder of a Vietnamese girl in Queens, N.Y., by a Vietnam vet. Fine in dj.
37. Baker, Mark. NAM. The Vietnam War in the Words of the Men and Women Who Fought There. NY: Morrow, 1981. An "oral history" made more powerful by the anonymity of the contributors. Reprinted many times, the first edition is scarce.
38. -. Another copy. This is the book club edition, well worn and lacking the dust jacket, with an extraordinarily powerful inscription from a vet to "my little son" telling him that by reading this book "you'll really know and feel what really happened there. This is the way it honestly & truthfully was. We were not goody-two-shoes as you are taught - we were mean - we had to be mean..." and much more. A moving inscription which has been signed by the writer, giving name, rank, serial number, and tour-of-duty information.
39. -. Same title, advance reading copy in printed wrappers. Near fine.
40. Barron, John and Anthony Paul. MURDER OF A GENTLE LAND. The Untold Story of Communist Genocide in Cambodia. NY: Reader's Digest, 1977. Based on interviews with 300 Cambodian refugees and other sources. An early "expose" of the Khmer Rouge policies in postwar Cambodia. Fine in dust jacket.
41. Bartecchi, Carl E. SOC TRANG. A Vietnamese Odyssey. Boulder: Rocky Mountain Writers Guild (1980). Personal account of a doctor in Vietnam, with an introduction by Gen. William Westmoreland. Fine in dust jacket (crease on front flap) and signed by the author.
42. Becker, Elizabeth. WHEN THE WAR WAS OVER. NY: S&S (1986). Proof copy of this nonfiction work about the Kymer Rouge and the Cambodian revolution. Fine in wrappers.
43. Beechy, Atlee and Winifred. VIETNAM: WHO CARES? Scottsdale, PA: Herald (1968). Paperback original. Two members of the Vietnam Christian Service relate personal observations based on a six-month visit to Vietnam in 1966. Fine in wrappers.
44. Behr, Edward. BEARINGS. A Foreign Correspondent's Life Behind the Lines. NY: Viking (1978). Experiences in Vietnam, India and elsewhere by this foreign correspondent. Fine in dj.
45. Berrigan, Daniel, S.J. CONSEQUENCES; TRUTH AND... NY: Macmillan (1967). "The military adventure we are pursuing with such heat and skill and ferocity against a broken people is an abominable crime against humanity." Powerful polemic by this activist priest. Previous owner gift inscription (from a priest) otherwise fine in fine dust jacket.
46. Berrigan, Daniel, S.J. GO FROM HERE: A PRISON DIARY. San Franscisco: Open Space, 1968. Suppressed before publication and never sewn into wrappers; one large piece of paper folded to make 13 pages, partially unopened. An essay about his time in jail for protesting the war. Very good.
47. Berrigan, Daniel, S.J. NIGHT FLIGHT TO HANOI. NY: Macmillan (1968). "... diary of his journey to Hanoi as the representative of a coalition of peace groups to secure the release of three captured American flyers." Includes poetry he wrote on his trip to Vietnam. Fine in near fine dj.
48. Berrigan, Daniel, S.J. NO BARS TO MANHOOD. Garden City: Doubleday, 1970. A personal statement on his activism, and his rejection of the "well-fed and complacent" U.S. society. Fine in near fine, price-clipped dust jacket.
49. Berrigan, Daniel, S.J. and Robert Coles. THE GEOGRAPHY OF FAITH. Conversations Between Daniel Berrigan, when Underground, and Robert Coles. Boston: Beacon (1971). Personal statements by Berrigan to Coles, a sociologist. Fine in dust jacket.
50. Berrigan, Daniel, S.J. AMERICA IS HARD TO FIND. Garden City: Doubleday, 1972. Inscribed by the author on the half-title to "Charles - [AMERICA IS HARD TO FIND] - let's make it less hard and better to find". Owner name, otherwise fine in near fine dust jacket.
51. -. Another copy. Bookplate, otherwise fine in near fine dust jacket.
52. Berry, John Stevens. THOSE GALLANT MEN. On Trial in Vietnam. (Novato): Presidio (1983). Nonfiction account of Green Berets' trial for murder of a triple agent, written by lawyer for one of the defendants. Book club edition. Fine in dust jacket.
53. Blakey, Scott. PRISONER AT WAR. Garden City: Anchor, 1978. Uncorrected proof copy. Account of Commander Richard Stratton's time as a POW. Fine in wrappers.
54. -. Same title, first English edition (London: Penguin 1979). Paperback original. Very good.
55. Bleier, Rocky with Terry O'Neill. FIGHTING BACK. NY: Stein & Day (1980). Second printing, revised and updated. Fine in a very good dust jacket with a little rubbing and a couple of short tears. Personal account of a Vietnam vet.
56. Bodard, Lucien. THE QUICKSAND WAR: PRELUDE TO VIETNAM. Boston: Little Brown (1967). Chronicle of the years 1946-1950 in French Indochina by a French journalist. Fine in dj.
57. Bonosky, Phillip. BEYOND THE BORDERS OF MYTH/FROM VILNIUS TO HANOI. NY: Praxis, 1967. In light of today's pressing political issues, this comparison of Communist Vietnam with "free" Lithuania seems hopelessly dated; still an interesting approach to the war. This copy near fine in lightly edgeworn dust jacket, and inscribed by the author. Scarce.
58. Borton, Lady. SENSING THE ENEMY. NY: Dial, 1984. Personal account by a woman who volunteered to work at the American Friends Service hospital in Quang Ngai in 1969 and later, in 1980, returned to Southeast Asia to work with Vietnamese boat people in Malaysia. Fine in dj.
59. -. Same title, fine copy inscribed by the author, lacking dust jacket.
60. Bottomly, Colonel Heath. PRODIGAL FATHER. A Fighter Pilot Finds Peace in the Wake of his Destruction. Glendale, CA: Regal (1975). Personal account of a maverick fighter pilot who converts to born-again Christianity. Fine in dust jacket. Uncommon title published by a religious publishing house. Introduction by General George S. Brown, then Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
61. Boulle, Pierre. MY OWN RIVER KWAI. NY: Vanguard (1966). Personal account of the author's time as a secret agent in Southeast Asia. Near fine in dust jacket.
62. Boyle, Richard. FLOWER OF THE DRAGON. SF: Ramparts (1972). Nonfiction, personal account by a veteran, subtitled "The Breakdown of the US Army in Vietnam". Illustrated with his photographs. This is the hardcover edition, fine in near fine dust jacket.
63. -. The simultaneous issue in wrappers. Near fine.
64. Bozek, D.A. ARTILLERY MEDIC IN VIET NAM. NY: Vantage (1971). A "vanity press" publication; a personal account by a medic in Vietnam. Fine in dust jacket and signed by the author.
65. Brace, Ernest C. A CODE TO KEEP. The True Story of America's Longest-Held Civilian Prisoner of War. NY: St. Martin's (1988). Account of an ex-Marine, "civilian" POW in Vietnam. Fine in fine dust jacket.
66. Brandon, Heather. CASUALTIES. NY: St. Martin's (1984). An "oral history" by some of the survivors of soldiers who died in Vietnam. Fine in dust jacket.
67. Branfman, Fred. VOICES FROM THE PLAIN OF JARS. Life under an air war. NY: Harper & Row (1972). "Oral history" of Laotians describing the bombing of their country. Includes artwork by them. This is the simultaneous issue in wrappers. Near fine.
68. Brass, Alister. BLEEDING EARTH. A Doctor Looks at Vietnam. Melbourne: Heinemann (1968). Inscribed by the author. Fine in fine dust jacket.
69. Brennan, Matthew. BRENNAN'S WAR. Novato, CA: Presidio (1985). Spending almost four years in combat in Vietnam, this field commissioned officer left the service as a conscientious objector. Fine in a fine dust jacket.
70. Broughton, Col. Jack. THUD RIDGE. Philadelphia: Lippincott (1969). Second printing. Well-received and important account of the air war in Vietnam. Fine in dust jacket.
71. -. Same title, first paperback edition. Very good in wrappers.
72. Broughton, Jack. GOING DOWNTOWN. The War Against Hanoi and Washington. NY: Orion (1988). Criticism of tactics and strategy in Vietnam, by a seasoned fighter pilot. Uncorrected proof copy. Fine in wrappers.
73. Brown, John M. G. RICE PADDY GRUNT. (Lake Bluff, IL): Regnery (1986). Personal account by a GI who served two tours in Vietnam. Fine in near fine dust jacket.
74. Brown, Robert McAfee, Abraham Heschel, and Michael Novak. VIETNAM: CRISIS OF CONSCIENCE NY: Association (1967). Second printing of the issue in wrappers. Personal statements against the war by these three religious thinkers.
75. -. Same title, the cloth issue. Second printing. Ink prices, otherwise fine in very good dj.
76. Browne, Corinne. CASUALTY. NY: Norton (1981). Subtitled "A Memoir of Love and War", this book is about a family that builds a chapel in the mountains of New Mexico as a memorial to their son killed in Vietnam. Advance review copy, fine in fine dust jacket.
77. Browne, Malcolm. THE NEW FACE OF WAR. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill (1965). Reporting on the war by a journalist who won the Pulitzer Prize for his coverage of Vietnam. Very good in dj.
78. -. Same title, revised edition (1968). Updated, to include much about the American presence that was not in the earlier edition. Fine in near fine dust jacket. Not a common edition.
79. Broyles, William Jr. BROTHERS IN ARMS. A Journey from War to Peace. NY: Knopf, 1986. Uncorrected proof copy. A personal account by a veteran who went back to Vietnam in 1984.
80. -. Same title, first edition. Fine in fine dust jacket.
81. Bryan, C.D.B. FRIENDLY FIRE. NY: Putnam's (1976). Account of the grief and anger of an Iowa farm family whose son was killed by "friendly fire" in Vietnam. Later the basis for a TV drama. Fine in near fine dust jacket.
82. -. Same title, uncorrected proof copy. Very good in tall wrappers.
83. -. Same title, Quality Paperback Book Club edition. Near fine in wrappers.
84. Bryan, John. THIS SOLDIER STILL AT WAR. NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (1975). An account of a Vietnam veteran who was also a member of the Symbionese Liberation Army, a terrorist group wiped out in the '70's. Part of the book is about his time in Vietnam. Fine in near fine dj.
85. Burchett, Wilfred. VIETNAM. Inside Story of the Guerrilla War. NY: International (1965). His account of time he spent with the NLF in 1963. Fine in very good dust jacket.
86. Burchett, Wilfred. MY VISIT TO THE LIBERATED ZONES OF SOUTH VIETNAM. Hanoi: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1966. Personal account by this left-wing Australian writer. A few numbers on front cover, otherwise very good in self-wrappers.
87. Burchett, Wilfred. VIETNAM NORTH. NY: International (1966). A "first-hand report" by this correspondent, illustrated with his photographs. Fine in near fine dust jacket.
88. Burchett, Wilfred. VIETNAM WILL WIN! NY: Guardian, 1968. Report on the war by this journalist with close ties in the North. Very good in wrappers, and signed by the author in 1968.
89. -. Same title, the hardcover edition, unsigned. Owner name; very good in dust jacket.
90. -. Same title, first revised edition (1970). With a new introduction. Very good.
91. Butler, David. THE FALL OF SAIGON. NY: S&S (1985). Anecdotal re-creation of the last days of Saigon, based on first-person testimony by a number of witnesses and participants. Fine in dj.
92. Byrd, Barthy. HOME FRONT: WOMEN AND VIETNAM. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy (1986). Personal stories of nine women whose lives were shattered by the war. Fine in wrappers.