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Catalog 173

All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.

click for a larger image of item #35092, Presence Buffalo, Presence Press, 1968. Four short untitled poems, of a sexual nature, by Acker, in the third issue of this "Magazine of the Revolution," edited by Dan Connell. We found several copies of the first issue of the magazine in OCLC, but no copies of this issue. Stained at the spine base; still near fine in stapled wrappers. Precedes Acker's first book by four years. [#035092] $450
(Voting Rights)
click for a larger image of item #35281, Power in the Black Belt (Chicago), Workers Press, [ca. 1985]. A 16-page pamphlet addressing systemic racism during the Reagan years, although the specific language here includes the "power structure," "fascism," and "legalized terror." Particular attention is paid to the dilution of the Voting Rights Act, particularly in Alabama, and the indictment of the "Marion 3" by U.S. Attorney Jeff Sessions. Deep cross-out and two stains to front cover; lists of dollar amounts in pencil on rear cover; a good copy in stapled wrappers. No copies found in OCLC. [#035281] $150
(African American)
click for a larger image of item #35094, There's Nothing I Own That I Want Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, (1974). A memoir, of "life on the bottom, told by a black woman who won't learn to quit" (from the dust jacket cover). Inscribed by the author in April, 1977: "To My Brother Hyman, 'Keep On Keeping On'/ Dare To Struggle! Dare To Win! Dare To Be You! Dare To See Tomorrow, I Do!/ 'Love Is A Circle of Sharing'/ from your sister in the struggle/ Harrisene 'Penny' Jackson." The memoir emerged from an admissions essay submitted to a Dean at the City College of New York, who passed the essay to an editor at The Nation, who published it in May, 1968, from which Jackson received a book offer. Over the next five years, Jackson wrote 600 pages, which were then condensed by an "editor friend," into this book. Near fine in a very good dust jacket with a bit of loss to the corners and spine ends and some minor discoloration to the rear panel. [#035094] SOLD
(African American)
click for a larger image of item #35095, Why We Can't Wait NY, Harper & Row, (1964). The galley sheets for King's book about the need for nonviolent direct action and the 1963 Birmingham campaign against segregation. The book includes, and grew out of, King's "Letter from Birmingham Jail." Approximately 63 long galley sheets, 6-1/2" x 24", printed on rectos only. A few marks to the top sheet; the boldest appears to be an asterisk next to King's name. Folded in half; near fine. Extremely early and extremely scarce: the galley sheets would have preceded the first published edition by about six months, and there would probably have been no more than a half dozen sets of them pulled, possibly even fewer. [#035095] SOLD
(American Renaissance)
click for a larger image of item #35283, American Authors and Their Homes Malden, Perry Pictures, [ca. 1931]. String-tied compendium of E.A. Perry's photographs of American authors and (most of) their homes, these being taken from Perry Pictures' "Boston edition" and featuring eight authors: Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Louisa May Alcott, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Washington Irving, James Fenimore Cooper, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Helen Hunt Jackson, most of whom have been recognized (albeit often belatedly) as authors of the American (or New England) Renaissance. Although the title page gives a copyright date of 1898, most of the individual photos have later copyright dates, the latest being 1931. Covers split, but still joined by the string; fragile, but a good copy. (The homes of Alcott, Thoreau, and Jackson are not pictured.) [#035283] SOLD
click for a larger image of item #34989, Typed Postcard Signed 1993. An 8" x 5-1/4" promotional postcard for Anderson's novel Sympathy for the Devil, on which Anderson has typed a short letter to Catherine Berge, thanking her for sending photographs that he may use for the jacket of his next book, Night Dogs. He mostly talks of not fitting in, teaching in academia (Boise State), but he also includes a postscript, via an attached, typed label: "P.S. -- dumb-ass Gustav [Hasford] - dying like that. He needed someone to take care of him, see that he ate, slept, etc. Judith & I went to a memorial service in Tacoma. All his Marine combat correspondent buddies there. Great guys." The postcard is signed, "All best, Kent." Fine. Anderson's Sympathy for the Devil was one of the best, and most harrowing, of the novels of the Vietnam War; Hasford's The Short-Timers, of course, was another. [#034989] SOLD
click for a larger image of item #35285, Ways of Seeing London, BBC/Penguin, (1972). Berger's influential art text, based on the BBC series of the same name, which popularized the deconstruction of art and advertising, particularly as applied to the ways that women are seen, and are subjected to what would later come to be called (by Laura Mulvey) "the male gaze," i.e., "...Men look at women. Women watch themselves being looked at. This determines not only most relations between men and women but also the relation of women to themselves." Ubiquitous in reprints; the true first is scarce. Very light wear to covers; near fine in wrappers. No hardcover edition was done until the U.S. edition a year later. [#035285] $500
click for a larger image of item #35286, Hold Everything Dear: Dispatches on Survival and Resistance London, Verso, (2007). Signed by the author. A collection of essays on the failures of imagination, empathy, humanity and will associated with the responses (mostly of those in power, and mostly during the G.W. Bush administration) to crises such as Hurricane Katrina and 9/11, and to the suffering and despair of refugees. Age-toning to pages, with light foxing and a couple page corners turned; a near fine copy in a fine dust jacket. [#035286] SOLD
click for a larger image of item #35339, Sex and the Single Girl (NY), Bernard Geis, (1962). "The Unmarried Woman's Guide to Men, Careers, the Apartment, Diet, Fashion, Money and Men." (Yes, "Men" twice.) Advice from the long-time editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan (1965-1997), published three years after she became a married woman, at age 37. The book became a bestseller and the basis for a 1964 film with a screenplay by Joseph Heller. It dared to separate sex from marriage and (two years after FDA approval of the pill) from motherhood, while still remaining enthralled by subservience to male desire. This copy is inscribed by Brown: "For Wayne Thomas/ I can't think of anyone I'd rather be taken off the air with! Thank you for such a happy interview/ Love/ Helen Brown." Thomas was the off-camera announcer for the Hollywood edition of The Million Dollar Movie on KHJ TV; decades prior, Brown's first job was answering fan mail for the radio station KHJ. A fine copy in a very good, lightly rubbed dust jacket with modest edge wear. The epitome of second wave feminism. Uncommon in the first printing, let alone signed and with a good association. [#035339] $750
click for a larger image of item #35050, Antarctic Housewife (Richmond), Hutchinson of Australia, (1971). A memoir of two and a half years spent as a "housewife," and one of only three women, on the sub-arctic South Georgia Island. This copy is inscribed by the author in the year of publication. Near fine in a very good dust jacket with several small edge chips and one 2" edge tear on the rear panel. Uncommon, especially signed. [#035050] SOLD
click for a larger image of item #35340, Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape NY, Simon and Schuster, (1975). Brownmiller's ground-breaking treatise on the culture of rape, which raised awareness of the issue; helped modernize rape laws; and then, four decades later at the advent of the #MeToo Movement, served as a tangible reminder of how much had not changed. This copy is signed by Brownmiller (and also by "Marty Wall," although both names seem to be in Brownmiller's hand). Scarce: many "firsts" on the market are book club editions. Minor foxing to the edges of the text block, else fine in a very good, price-clipped dust jacket. [#035340] SOLD
click for a larger image of item #35341, In Our Time (NY), Dial Press, (1999). A review copy of this "memoir of a revolution" by the author of Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape. This copy belonged to Karen DeCrow, president of NOW (National Organization for Women) in the 1970s: DeCrow reviewed the book for the Syracuse New Times. Laid in is a typed letter signed from Brownmiller to DeCrow thanking her for the review (belatedly, in 2002), and offering to make her dinner. DeCrow is mentioned in the book (p. 225). A copy of her published review is laid in as well. Fine in a fine dust jacket with 4 pages of publisher's review material, including a Women's Liberation Movement Quiz (the answers to which can be found in the book). As fine an association copy as one could hope for. [#035341] SOLD
click for a larger image of item #35287, Meatball (n.p.), (n.p.), (n.d.). Typescript of two versions of "Meatball," a possibly unpublished poem by Bukowski. Signed by Bukowski, with a drawing of a boxer on page 1, and "I prefer shorter version" and a few additional pencil notes (not by Bukowski) on page 3. Five pages total, corner stapled, with Bukowski's name and address in the upper left corner of the first page. Near fine. [#035287] $2,500
click for a larger image of item #35290, Arcade No. 3 Berkeley, Print Mint, 1973. This issue of Arcade includes Bukowski's "Bop Bop Against That Curtain," illustrated by R. Crumb. Signed by Bukowski on the front cover. Other contributors to this issue include Art Spiegelman, S. Clay Wilson, Spain [Rodriguez], and Aline Kominsky [Crumb], among others. There is also a 5-page comic solely authored and illustrated by Crumb. A Who's Who of underground comix, with a rare Bukowski signature. Fine. [#035290] $650
click for a larger image of item #35291, Texan (n.p.), (n.p.), [ca. 1977]. Typescript of this poem by Bukowski, published in Love is a Dog from Hell. Approximately 18 small changes by Bukowski, with two ink drawings (one of the woman; one of a flower). Previously folded in thirds; near fine. It's unusual to see a Bukowski poem with so much revision by hand. [#035291] SOLD
click for a larger image of item #34992, Truman Capote NY, Doubleday, (1997). A biography, compiled by Plimpton and presented as a collection of recollections by "friends, enemies, acquaintances, and detractors." This copy belonged to Virginia Spencer Carr, biographer of Carson McCullers and Paul Bowles, and bears Carr's ownership signature. Carr's anecdote about Capote (which is really about McCullers) appears on page 56 of the book. A fine copy in a very near fine dust jacket with just a nick to the upper spine. [#034992] SOLD
(Children's Literature)
click for a larger image of item #35100, It's Not Your Birthday NY, Harper & Row, (1966). The first of 24 children's books written and illustrated by Amoss, a New Orleans writer. This copy is inscribed by Amoss to publisher and bookseller Frank Scioscia on the dedication page ("although it's not his birthday either"). Laid in is an Amoss-designed notecard, also signed by the author. Amoss has also corrected the name of her husband on the rear jacket flap, from Walter, to Jimmy, adding, "Same man, Harper's mistake." Light bump to spine base; a near fine copy in a near fine dust jacket with a bit of wear to the corners and crown. Scioscia worked for Harper & Row for many years, and was known as an emphatic supporter of young writers; it's likely he was the person who got Amoss' first book published by Harper, and that this was a "thank you" gift. [#035100] SOLD
(Climate Change)
click for a larger image of item #34994, The Pollution Show Oakland, Oakland Museum, [1970]. Exhibition catalog for a show by 70 artists, dedicated to the theme that we as a species had reached the point where we were able to imperil our own survival. All types of pollution (air, land, water; toxins, chemicals, pesticides) were considered for the show, but as the introductory statement from the Sierra Club states: "Whole new areas of pollution problems are being discovered constantly....what happens on a large scale when we change, even slightly, the quality of the world's atmosphere...the 'greenhouse effect' would cause inundation of the world's coastlines and massive, probably catastrophic, changes in the world's ecology..." This is a loose leaf catalog, with approximately two dozen 8-5/8" x 8-5/8" cards laid into a pictorial folder, most depicting individual works from the show. Other than a "withdrawn" stamp from a museum library on the title card, the contents are fine, in a rubbed, near fine folder. Nine copies located in OCLC. [#034994] SOLD
click for a larger image of item #35294, Beautiful Losers Toronto, McClelland and Stewart, (1966). The uncorrected proof copy of the first Canadian edition of the landmark second novel by the Canadian poet-folksinger. Inscribed by Cohen to Mark Savage (presumably, the British music journalist). One of the key books of the 1960s -- a "visionary counter-culture religious epic" in the words of one critic. In its paperback reprint edition, it was ubiquitous on college campuses and passed hand-to-hand by a generation that was finding itself increasingly alienated from the mainstream, dominant culture. Unbound, sewn signatures; near fine, laid into a near fine, uncut (unpriced) proof dust jacket. Pink spot and some soiling on the first (blank) leaf. An early, exceptionally uncommon state of this landmark book, seldom found signed or inscribed. [#035294] SOLD
click for a larger image of item #35295, His Monkey Wife Or, Married to a Chimp London, Peter Davies, 1930. His first and most famous novel, describing the marriage between an explorer and his pet chimpanzee. This copy is inscribed by Collier to Welsh author Caradoc Evans, with an autograph letter signed by Collier to Evans tipped in at the front pastedown. The letter, dated December 5, 1930, expresses pleasure in reading his, Evans', book and conveys his own book in return. A copy of Evans' book, Nothing to Pay (Faber, 1930), is included. His Monkey Wife is unjacketed; but for some staining and wear to the front board and a tiny owner name on the front flyleaf, a very good copy, and a nice association. [#035295] $500
click for a larger image of item #35296, Happy All the Time NY, Knopf, 1978. The uncorrected proof copy of the second novel, third book, by this much-loved writer who died unexpectedly in 1992 at the age of 48 of heart failure. With the signature of author Diane Johnson on the front cover. (Johnson's novel Lying Low came out this same year, also published by Knopf.) Spine-sunned, with creasing to the lower corners; about near fine. Page 8 includes a typed replacement paragraph taped over the printed text. [#035296] SOLD
click for a larger image of item #35342, The Second Sex London, Jonathan Cape, (1953). The uncorrected proof copy of the first English edition of this foundational text of contemporary feminism, despite its being unsatisfactorily translated by H.M. Parshley, and not given another translation for more than 50 years. (The wife of Alfred Knopf, Beauvoir’s American publisher, heard of the book while in Paris and asked Parshley, a retired zoology professor, for a book report, which led to his translation, which Alfred Knopf asked him to condense prior to publication. This Cape edition came out the same year.) Despite its labored English-language birth, the translation popularized the idea that in a patriarchal society women are perceived as "other" and that gender is a societal construct; and it inspired Betty Friedan, author of The Feminine Mystique, and at least one generation of women. Spine-cocked, with binder's glue bleeding through; small edge tears at the extremities; a very good copy. Scarce, fragile, and a key volume in the history of gender relations. [#035342] SOLD
click for a larger image of item #35003, The Dial, December 1921 (NY), (Dial Publishing), 1921. Contributions by Marianne Moore, Glenway Wescott, Anatole France, Bertrand Russell, Malcolm Cowley, Padraic Colum, and others, with art by Georgia O'Keeffe, Pablo Picasso, and Wyndham Lewis. The first publication of an artwork by Georgia O'Keeffe -- a black-and-white reproduction of her painting "Black Spot." Stain to front cover; chipped at spine crown; very good in wrappers. [#035003] SOLD
click for a larger image of item #35145, No Facilities for Women NY, Knopf, 1955. A memoir by the foreign correspondent for the International News Service and the Chicago Daily News, based in part on the letters she wrote home to her mother during those years. Ebener's husband was the Pulitzer Prize-winning war correspondent, George Weller. Bookplate front pastedown; sunning to top edge; a near fine copy in a very good dust jacket with rubbing to the front joint, a small nick mid-spine, and shallow chipping at the crown. [#035145] SOLD
click for a larger image of item #35043, SRA Pilot Library, IIc (Chicago), Science Research Associates, (1962). The complete collection of 72 volumes in the 1962 series IIc (minus the teacher's handbook, the student record book, and the answer keys), but with 17 volumes from the 1968 IIb series included. (The "c" series indicated grades 6 and 7; the "b" series, grade 5.) An impressively diverse array of authors and subjects (considering the year, 1962), and including Rachel Carson (from The Sea Around Us); Lois Lenski (from Flood Friday); Laura Ingalls Wilder (from Farmer Boy; literary biographies (of Melville and Twain); female athletes (Carol Heiss, Babe Didrikson); tales of Polynesia, Northern Africa, and India; several titles of Native American life; natural history (wildlife, ants, caves, Siberian plant hunting, "meat-eating mammals"); other sciences (blood, the senses, archaeology, astronomy); disabilities and diseases (blindness and leprosy); exploration (the Arctic and Antarctic); history (Lincoln, Jefferson, Patrick Henry; the San Francisco earthquake); biographies (Ernest Shackleton, Jenny Lind, Alfred Nobel, Charles Kettering); computer fiction (a homework machine); and at least five titles on space exploration. The extra volumes, from 1968, are notable for the inclusion of Jo and the Boy Next Door, as excerpted from Louisa May Alcott's Little Women, and Marguerite de Angeli's Do Your Best from Bright April, her 1946 story of racial prejudice. The volumes are generally fine, in stapled wrappers, and all fit in the included Pilot Library display box, which is splitting on one corner, thus very good. An educational time capsule. Will ship at cost. [#035043] SOLD
click for a larger image of item #34922, Soldiers' Pay NY, Boni & Liveright, (1926). His second book, first novel. Modest wear to corners and spine gilt. A near fine copy, lacking the rare dust jacket. In custom gilt-stamped, full leather slipcase. [#034922] $2,500
click for a larger image of item #34923, Mosquitoes New York, Boni & Liveright, 1927. Faulkner's second novel, which had a first printing of 3047 copies. Bookplate gently tipped to the front pastedown. Slight push to the crown and trace wear to corners, but a very near fine copy with the orange stamping on the front cover and spine still bright and fresh, in a lightly rubbed, near fine example of the first issue "mosquitoes" dust jacket. A very attractive copy of a book seldom found in this condition. [#034923] $8,500
click for a larger image of item #34924, Light in August (NY), Smith & Haas, (1932). A Yoknapatawpha County novel that is considered his "most penetrating and dramatic analysis of contemporary Southern society." Fine in a fine dust jacket: a strikingly beautiful copy of one of the high spots of 20th century American literature: probably the brightest, freshest copy we've seen in 40+ years of selling modern first editions; the orange topstain is as bright as the orange of the fine dust jacket. Housed in a custom three-quarter leather clamshell case. [#034924] $15,000
click for a larger image of item #34927, Turn About Ottawa, W.L. Massiah, 1939. One of only four (or five) known copies of the first separate edition of Faulkner's O. Henry Prize-winning story of World War I, first published in 1932 in The Saturday Evening Post. W.L. Massiah, a Canadian businessman, was moved by the turmoil of WWII to publish "the best of the many little tales written about the 1914-1918 war" as a holiday pamphlet. The text was taken from the Post version, and therefore differs from the version in the O. Henry Prize Winning Stories of 1932 by the retention of the phrase "a little dull gold mustache above" in the seventh line of the second paragraph. Purple velour-finish wrappers, wire-stitched. Slight edge fading, and light wear to the spine; near fine, in a custom folding chemise and clamshell case. Serendipity described Carl Petersen's copy and indicated that there were two other copies known in the U.S. at that time (1991). A fourth copy has since turned up; whether this is a fifth copy, or one of the ones cited by Peter Howard in 1991 is not known to us. [#034927] SOLD
click for a larger image of item #34928, Intruder in the Dust NY, Random House, (1948). A Haycraft-Queen cornerstone, and most likely the trigger for his winning the Nobel Prize the year after it was published. No top stain--a state not noted by Petersen. Near fine in a near fine dust jacket with a chip at the crown and light edge wear. [#034928] SOLD
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