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All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.

click for a larger image of item #30703, Taboo (Wilmington), (Totleben & Bissette)/[Spiderbaby Grafix], (1988). An advance copy of the first issue of Taboo, a landmark comix/graphic novel anthology, inscribed by the editor (Totleben), with the written note "#3.5 in 25 preview copies." Tapebound 8-1/2" x 11" galley sheets, with a handwritten "Taboo!" label on the front cover. Contributions by Clive Barker, S. Clay Wilson, Alan Moore, Chester Brown, Charles Burns, Eddie Campbell, Charles Vess, Dave Sim, and others. Taboo published edgier graphic fiction than could be done by mainstream presses, including Alan Moore and Chester Brown's From Hell, and work by Charles Burns, famous for his later graphic novel Black Hole. Front label lifting; ownership stamps; else fine. Together with an 8-page solicitation of contributions dated the previous year, delineating the guidelines and the vision. Again, an ownership stamp; near fine with one corner stapled. Together with the published version of the first issue, inscribed by Totleben and the publisher, Stephen Bissette, as well as Taboo 2 and Taboo 3. A notable collection, particularly with the advance copy -- a handmade production apparently limited to 25 copies but doubtless far fewer still exist. [#030703] $750
click for a larger image of item #34609, Fetal Brain Tango (Northampton), Tundra, 1991. A book of sketches by Totleben, one of the key artists associated with Swamp Thing and the horror anthology Taboo. Published as Number Two in the Tundra Sketchbook Series, the press that was an offshoot of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle phenomenon. Fine in wrappers. [#034609] $75
On Sale: $38