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All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.

click for a larger image of item #34702, Apologia Eugene, Lone Goose, 1997. One of 16 participant's copies of this limited edition of an essay from Crossing Open Ground, which was later issued in a trade edition by the University of Georgia Press. Here issued with twenty-three 11-3/4" x 11" woodblock images by Robin Eschner, hinged in a continuous presentation almost 22 feet long, encompassing the text. An elaborate production, involving a number of individuals prominent in the book arts, in addition to Lopez and Eschner: Charles Hobson, the designer, whose work is included in the collections of the Whitney Museum and the National Gallery of Art, among others; Sandy Tilcock, the publisher and boxmaker; Susan Acker, the letterpress printer; Nora Pauwells, the relief edition printer; and John DeMerritt, the binder, who is President of the Hand Bookbinders of California. Of a total edition of 66 copies, this is Copy L of 16 lettered copies signed by Lopez and Eschner and including a unique tire-tread print from Lopez's Toyota 4-Runner, the vehicle used in the journey from Oregon to Indiana that is described in the story. Fine, in a clamshell box. [#034702] $3,500
click for a larger image of item #35200, Apologia Eugene, Lone Goose, 1997. Copy "A" of 16 participants' copies of this limited edition of this essay from Crossing Open Ground, later published in a trade edition by the University of Georgia Press. Here issued with twenty-three 11-3/4" x 11" woodblock images by Robin Eschner, which are hinged in a continuous presentation almost 22 feet long, encompassing the text. An elaborate production, involving a number of individuals prominent in the book arts, in addition to Lopez and Eschner: Charles Hobson, the designer, whose work is included in the collections of the Whitney Museum and the National Gallery of Art, among others; Sandy Tilcock, the publisher and boxmaker; Susan Acker, the letterpress printer; Nora Pauwells, the relief edition printer; and John DeMerritt, the binder, who was President of the Hand Bookbinders of California. The total edition was 66 copies: this is Copy A of 16 lettered copies signed by Lopez and Eschner and including a unique tire-tread print from Lopez's Toyota 4-Runner, the vehicle used in the journey from Oregon to Indiana that is described in the story. Fine, in a clamshell box. [#035200] $3,500
click for a larger image of item #29753, 1997 International Festival of Authors Promotional Poster 1997. A promotional poster for the annual Toronto literary festival, which each year since 1980 has brought together some of the best writers of contemporary world literature. This is one of only a handful of copies signed by all or most of the year's participants, approximately 54 signatures. Signed by: Robert Stone, Barry Lopez, Richard Ford, Michael Ondaatje, Anne Michaels, Colm Toibin, Bharati Mukherjee, Jamaica Kincaid, Guy Vanderhaeghe, Michael Turner, Jane Urquhart, Mavis Gallant, Ann Beattie, Nino Ricci, James Reaney, and many others. From the collection of the promoter of the festival, Greg Gatenby. Designed by Richard Artschwager. 17" x 23". Rolled, else fine. [#029753] $1,000
On Sale: $700
click for a larger image of item #36475, The Book of the Wolf (Of Wolves and Men ) NY, Scribner's, 1978. The uncorrected proof copy of his third book, winner of the John Burroughs Medal as the best work of natural history published that year, and a nominee for the National Book Award. A remarkable and unlikely bestseller: the book was reprinted numerous times, brought into a new edition by the publisher (in a smaller format), picked up by the Book of the Month Club, and became a significant commercial success in a trade paperback edition as well. It attempts to explore the wolf both in the objective world and in the subjective ways that humans have seen and imagined it throughout history. This proof copy was printed with the original title, The Book of the Wolf, on the cover and the title page; the ultimate title has been written in by hand on the cover. A fragile, padbound proof with covers beginning to separate at the spine base; several scuff and spots to cover and a handful of page corners turned. Name of author and reviewer Ethel Jacobson across the front cover. A very good copy. A landmark in natural history writing. [#036475] $350
click for a larger image of item #35677, The Biology of People San Francisco, W.H. Freeman, (1978). Later printing of a textbook on the human species, from evolution, to anatomy, to gene theory: this was a gift by Lopez to his stepfather. Inscribed by Lopez on a card that has been taped to the front pastedown: "Dear Dad, to wish you a very good 77th. Our love/ Barry & Sandy." By our calculations, this would have been 1983, when Lopez would have been starting work on Arctic Dreams. Boards bowed; a very good copy, without dust jacket, as issued. [#035677] $200
click for a larger image of item #33181, Five Calendars, 1995-1997 (San Francisco), (Browntrout), (1995-1997). Five wall calendars for three years, each featuring words by Barry Lopez. Three have words by Lopez and images by Frans Lanting; two have words by Lopez, Edward Abbey, Wallace Stegner, and Frank Waters, with the work of assorted photographers. 14" x 12". Each is fine. Unmarked, but from the library of Barry Lopez. [#033181] $150
click for a larger image of item #10416, The 1983 Western Wilderness Calendar (Salt Lake City), (Dream Garden), (1982). The second of the Wilderness calendars, with work by a number of prominent photographers, and text by Edward Abbey, Tom McGuane, Leslie Marmon Silko, Ann Zwinger, Lawrence Clark Powell, Wallace Stegner, Barry Lopez, Frank Waters, William Eastlake, John Nichols, and others. This copy has been signed by Eastlake and Powell, and photographers John Telford, Tom Till, Fred Hirschmann and Chris Wangsgard -- several of the finest and most highly respected photographers of the natural world working today. Fine. [#010416] $95
(San Francisco), (Browntrout), 1996. Two wall calendars for the year 1996, each with words by Lopez; one with additional words by Ed Abbey, Wallace Stegner, and Frank Waters. 14" x 12". Fine. [#034597] $75
(Bainbridge Island), (The Arbor Fund), (1998). Text of the Virginia Merrill Blodel Lecture given at the Blodel Reserve in September, 1998. One of 500 copies in stapled wrappers. Eight pages, with a short biography and bibliography. Fine. [#015248] $70
(San Francisco), (Browntrout), 1996. "Ideas and Images" wall calendar for the year 1996. Words by Lopez and images by Frans Lanting. 14" x 12". Fine. [#034598] $50
click for a larger image of item #35676, "Nature Writing" in Nature Writing: A Catalog Hadley, Ken Lopez Bookseller, 2000. In a 4-page introduction to a catalog of nature writing, Lopez takes the measure of the field to argue that it is "that strain of American literature that, more than others now, is pursuing the ancient discourse on human fate," and that "like any worthy literature it should continue to undermine complacency, resist definition, and induce hope." An interesting essay, on a subject close to the writer's heart, and not reprinted elsewhere that we're aware of. Fine in wrappers. [#035676] $45
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