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All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.

click for a larger image of item #33672, Blessings Elmwood, Raven Editions, 1987. The first separate edition of this story by Dubus, expanded from its magazine publication back to its original length. An attractive limited edition, designed and printed by Carol Blinn of Warwick Press. Copy No. 34 of 60 numbered copies, of a total edition of 70 copies signed by the author. Unmarked, but from the library of Robert Stone. Fine, without dust jacket, as issued. [#033672] $450
click for a larger image of item #33260, Selected Stories London, Godine, (1990). The uncorrected proof copy of the first British edition, and the first proof to contain the full complement of all 23 stories: the U.S. proof was intended to be issued with only ten of the stories; was mistakenly issued with the "left out" 13; and then re-issued with the intended 10. Signed by Dubus. Foxing near the spine; near fine in wrappers. [#033260] $250
click for a larger image of item #21063, Meditations from a Movable Chair NY, Knopf, 1998. The uncorrected proof copy of his last book, his second collection of essays. Dubus was best known as a short story writer, and his last collection of stories was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award in 1996. He won the Rea Award for the Short Story in 1991 and a MacArthur Foundation "genius grant" in 1988. He was the father of the acclaimed novelist and memoirist Andre Dubus III. Signed by the author. Fine in wrappers. [#021063] $115
NY, Knopf, 1998. His last book, a collection of essays. One of an unspecified number of copies signed by the author on a tipped-in leaf. Fine in a fine dust jacket. [#912455] $80
(n.p.), (n.p.), [2001]. The screenplay by Festinger and Field, based on the Dubus story "Killings," and submitted to the Academy for award consideration. Bradbound in cardstock covers; small label removal abrasion to front cover; else fine. [#912464] $80
NY, Dial, 1967. His first book, and his only novel -- a military tale not unlike William Styron's book The Long March -- a story of the peacetime military and the challenges to manhood and honor that its rigid code of morals creates. Dubus was once quoted as saying that after he wrote this novel someone introduced him to Chekhov's short stories, and he threw away the manuscript of what was to be his next novel and began writing short fiction -- of which he became one of our most acclaimed and accomplished practitioners. Dampstaining to lower boards; a very good copy in a very good dust jacket with a small droplet on spine, light corner chipping, and one internally mended edge tear. [#029303] $60
(London), Picador/Pan, (1987). The first British edition of his only novella to be published on its own, outside of a collection. Billed as "a novel" for marketing purposes. Only published in wrappers in the U.K. Page edges darkening; else fine. [#912462] $35
NY, Crown, (1984). A collection of his novellas, all of which had been previously published in other collections together with short stories. Only issued in wrappers in this country. Near fine. [#912463] $35
(Tuscaloosa), University of Alabama, 1985. Includes "A Father's Story" by Dubus, as well as an interview with him and Dubus's eulogy for Richard Hugo. Near fine in wrappers. [#036168] $25
NY, Knopf, 1996. An advance reading excerpt, consisting of three stories from the published collection. Fine in wrappers. [#912449] $21
NY, Knopf, 1996. A review copy of his last collection of stories, nominated for the National Book Critics Circle Award. Fine in a fine dust jacket. [#912446] $21
NY, Knopf, 1998. His last book, a collection of essays. Fine in a fine dust jacket. [#912454] $21
Boston, Godine, (1984). His only novella to be published on its own, outside of a collection. Billed as "a novel" for marketing purposes. Fine in a fine, price-clipped dust jacket. [#912461] $21
Boston, Godine, (1984). His only novella to be published on its own, outside of a collection. Billed as "a novel" for marketing purposes. Fine in a fine dust jacket. [#912460] $21
click for a larger image of item #5104, Broken Vessels Boston, Godine, (1991). The uncorrected proof copy of this well-received collection of essays, Dubus' first book of nonfiction. With an introduction by Tobias Wolff. Near fine in wrappers. [#005104] $20
NY, Knopf, 1996. An advance reading excerpt consisting of three of the stories from the collection. Fine in wrappers. [#013181] $20
NY, Knopf, 1998. The uncorrected proof copy of his last book, a collection of essays. Fine in wrappers. [#013584] $20
Boston, David R. Godine, (1984). Very Good in Very Good (price-clipped) DJ. Ownership inscription on half-title page. [#704657] $20
Boston, David R. Godine, (1984). Very Good in Very Good DJ. [#702071] $20
showing 1-19 of 19
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