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All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.

click for a larger image of item #35287, Meatball (n.p.), (n.p.), (n.d.). Typescript of two versions of "Meatball," a possibly unpublished poem by Bukowski. Signed by Bukowski, with a drawing of a boxer on page 1, and "I prefer shorter version" and a few additional pencil notes (not by Bukowski) on page 3. Five pages total, corner stapled, with Bukowski's name and address in the upper left corner of the first page. Near fine. [#035287] $2,500
click for a larger image of item #33372, The Night Torn Mad with Footsteps: New Poems Santa Rosa, Black Sparrow, 2001. Two comb-bound advance copies: one shot from typescript and printed on rectos only, 298 pp.; the second copy is typeset and printed on both sides of the page, 355 pp. Laid into the first copy is an earlier version of one included poem: "oh to be young in 1942!," here titled just "oh, to be young!" The poem is two pages, the first being ribbon copy. Photocopied emendations to the table of contents in the first copy, removing the titles of poems not included; penciled notes to the table of contents in the second copy. The first one has the date "2/3" and the publisher's initials, "JM," on the cover; the second one is also initialed and is dated "4/11." Each is fine with an acetate cover. From the collection of John Martin, publisher of Black Sparrow Press, which printed most of Bukowski's work for the last nearly 30 years of his life, and which was in turn supported by the success Bukowski had with his poetry and his fiction, which rewrote the boundaries of what was acceptable as art. [#033372] $1,250
click for a larger image of item #35290, Arcade No. 3 Berkeley, Print Mint, 1973. This issue of Arcade includes Bukowski's "Bop Bop Against That Curtain," illustrated by R. Crumb. Signed by Bukowski on the front cover. Other contributors to this issue include Art Spiegelman, S. Clay Wilson, Spain [Rodriguez], and Aline Kominsky [Crumb], among others. There is also a 5-page comic solely authored and illustrated by Crumb. A Who's Who of underground comix, with a rare Bukowski signature. Fine. [#035290] $650