Surplus Value Books: Catalog Number 13
Santa Monica, Danger Books, (1999). Virtually a novella in the form of a book dealer's catalog. Moody has created a hilarious and touching self-contained world where the values accorded to the items for sale (dollars) and the values inherent in them (significance, artistry, passion) are in running comic contrast. Moody has his tongue in his cheek but also his heart on his sleeve; many of the entries embody a sensitivity and tenderness surprising in such a send-up. An effective, even haunting riff on rare book catalogs. The trade edition consisted of 1000 copies in wrappers: 300 numbered and signed and 700 unsigned. This is the uncorrected proof copy. Apparently identical to the trade edition but with "Uncorrected Proof" printed on the front cover. Given the sophistication of the production and producers, probably a cleverly marketed print overrun rather than a true proof. Fine in wrappers and signed by Moody.
All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.