SULLIVAN, May Kellogg
A Woman Who Went to Alaska
Boston, James H. Earle, (1902). The author's account of two trips to Alaska, "practically alone," and covering 18 months beginning in 1899. "I had first-class health and made up in endurance what I lacked in avoirdupois, along with firm determination to take up the first honest work that presented itself, regardless of choice, and in the meantime to secure a few gold claims..." Illustrated with maps and photos. Tipped to the front pastedown is a newspaper article from 1934, stating that the author had staked out claims to approximately 5000 acres of Alaskan oil lands and was headed back there in the coming weeks. Perhaps the definition of a woman ahead of her times: while the book went through at least 6 printings in the first year after publication, over one hundred years later it was issued in at least 6 new editions from 2007-2024. Owner name front flyleaf; minor shelf wear; stains to the rear cover; a very good copy, without dust jacket.
All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.