WORKMAN, Fanny Bullock
The Exploration of the Siachen or Rose Glacier Eastern Karakoram
(n.p.), Spottiswoode, 1914. The first separate appearance, reprinted, with additions, from the February 1914 Geographical Journal, and inscribed by Workman to J.P. (John Percy) Farrar on the front cover. Fanny Bullock Workman, suffragist, cyclist, mountaineer, cartographer, travel writer and Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, spent eight seasons exploring glaciers and mountains of the Karakoram and Punjab Himalaya between 1898 and 1912 (accompanied by her husband and countless porters). She first became aware of the Siachen Glacier (the second longest outside of the Polar regions, at 45 miles, and dividing India and Pakistan) during one of her and her husband's multi-thousand mile bicycle tours, which were the subject of her early books. An accomplished climber, Workman attained the women's altitude record (20,278 ft) in 1906, in the Karakoram. In 1912, she led the expedition to map the Siachen, becoming perhaps best known for unfurling a newspaper there, at nearly 21000 feet, with the headline "Votes for Women." This offprint includes approximately 18 photographs and a full fold out map inside the rear cover. Several instances of marginal notes, perhaps by Farrar, a climber who was an original member of the Mount Everest Committee and responsible for recruiting George Mallory to the 1921 reconnaissance expedition. The covers and several rear signatures are detached; the front cover is chipped; the text, photos and map are all preserved, although the tissue guards over the photos have darkened. A fair copy only, but scarce, and with a rare signature.
All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.