ROBINSON, Marilynne
When I Was a Child I Read Books
NY, Farrar Straus Giroux, (2012). Two advance states of this collection of essays by the Pulitzer Prize winning novelist. The first item is an advance reading copy, signed by the author, with an announcement for a 2014 reading by Robinson laid in, which is presumably where the signature was obtained. The second item is also an advance copy, with the U.S. publishing information, but it is tapebound with an acetate cover and carries the cover image of the U.K. edition published by Virago, also in 2012. Other differences: the U.S. edition states "Dedication TK [to come]"; the "U.K." edition has the dedication. The U.S. edition has an Introduction; the U.K. edition has a Preface. The latter edition also bears several instances of typeset copyeditor notations in the margins, all preceded by "AU," meaning author. At least one of the changes ("for" replacing "of") was made in the published version. Both copies are fine. Uncommon advance issues -- works-in-progress -- for one of the most acclaimed U.S. authors of recent decades, whom President Barack Obama interviewed shortly after his election, reversing the usual relationship between writer and politician by doing so.
All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.
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