The Dice Man
NY, Morrow, 1971. The uncorrected proof copy of the first American edition of this novel about "dicing" or "dice living" (living life according to the roll of the die). Rhinehart is Cockcroft's pen name, and also the name of the main character in the book, leading to ambiguity as to whether it was fiction or not when it was first published. Such ambiguity did not help its early sales, but over time the book has become a cult classic, selling over two million copies and positing the idea that substituting a throw of the dice for the normal criteria for decision-making contains a germ of wisdom about living life. Creasing to the faded spine from binder's glue; corner crease rear cover; near fine in wrappers. An uncommon proof.
All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.