(KAEL, Pauline)
The Partisan Review, 60 Issues
NY, Partisan Review, 1938-1979. An incomplete run of 60 issues, spanning five decades. From the estate of film critic Pauline Kael. Provenance available, but the direct evidence is that 1) Kael has excised her contribution from the Summer 1963 issue, and the cover says "clipped" in her hand; 2) Kael has written her name on the Summer 1967 issue and added praise inside at the Stephen Spender article; and 3) a postcard to Kael from Jack Hirschman is laid into the Fall 1967 issue. General condition: two issues from the 1930s (Jan and May 1938), good only; eleven issues from the 1940s (Spring 1945, Winter 1946, July/Aug and Sept/Oct 1947, Feb, May, July, Oct 1948, March, July, Dec 1949), all very good but for Sept/Oct 1947 which has heavily ink-stamped covers; 21 issues from the 1950s (July/Aug and Nov/Dec 1950, July/Aug and Sept/Oct 1951, May/June, July/August, Sept/Oct, Nov/Dec 1952, Sept/Oct, Nov/Dec 1954, Spring and Fall 1955, Fall 1956, Winter, Spring and Summer 1957, Spring and Summer 1958, Spring, Summer and Fall 1959), all in very good condition; 20 issues from the 1960s (Spring and Fall 1960, March/April 1961, Winter, Spring and Summer 1962, Spring, Summer and Fall 1963, Spring and Fall 1964, Winter and Summer, 1965, Summer 1966, Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall 1967, Winter and Summer 1968), all about very good but for those excised pages mentioned above; six issues from the 1970s (Winter 1971-72, Winter 1973, 1973 #2, 1974 #2 and #4, 1979 #2), all very good, but for the final three issue, which each bear a series of names on their covers that are partially crossed out. Will ship at cost.
All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.
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