(BOWLES, Paul)
The Oracle, Senior Number
(Jamaica), (Jamaica High School), (1928). The final issue of The Oracle that Bowles would appear in, before graduating from Jamaica High School. Contains (from Jeffrey Miller's bibliography) C41-C43: two poems ("Tailpiece" and "Spire Song") and a credit as editor of the Poet's Corner. In addition, there are multiple references to Bowles throughout: lines describing his academic career; a prophecy for his future (he also chaired the prophecy committee, so perhaps wrote his own prophecy); a class chart that claims Bowles is a day dreamer who thinks he is a poet, would like to be a "futuristic artist," is often seen with a dazed expression, and whose hobby is literature. His class photo appears on page 11. There is a page for autographs that has one signature; the innermost pages have separated from the staples and are laid in. Edge-sunning to covers; very good in stapled wrappers.
All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.
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