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All My Rivers Are Gone
Boulder, Johnson Books, (1998). The simultaneous wrappered edition of the author's tribute to Glen Canyon and her time spent on the Colorado River, prior to the construction of the 1963 dam that drowned the canyon and created Lake Powell. Inscribed by the author: "For David, A hiker down to the river -- wrong color now, but --- there'll come a day -- Katie Lee." (Prior to the dam, the river was a sediment-filled red; the dam trapped the sediment, leaving the water a clear green.) Lee, who died in 2017 at the age of 98, was known as "the Desert Goddess of Glen Canyon" and was an iconic figure to a generation of environmental activists who came after her. Her wish for the Colorado River to again run free through Glen Canyon may one day come true. Lower corner creases to covers; else fine in wrappers. Introduction by Terry Tempest Williams. Signed first printings are scarce. [#035995] $300

All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.