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Restoring the Earth
NY, Knopf, 1985. Subtitled "How Americans Are Working to Renew Our Damaged Environment," Berger's book looks at more than a dozen cases where individuals succeeded in restoring their local lands and waterways. Inscribed by the author in January, 1986: "For Ron Carstens, your help is needed in [Restoring the Earth]/ With every good wish to you and your family, John J. Berger." Introduction by Arizona Congressman Mo Udall, a 30-year Representative and younger brother of Stewart Udall, whose House seat he took over after Stewart became Secretary of the Interior, a post he remained in through the Kennedy and Johnson administrations, overseeing the growth of environmentalism as a national concern and commitment. Fine in a fine dust jacket. Uncommon signed. [#035867] SOLD

All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.