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Typescript of "Prometheus Bound"
[NY], [Harper's Magazine], 1978. One full 36 page draft, plus 30 earlier draft pages, of Gilder's 1978 article for Harper's Magazine, here provisionally titled "The Riches of Risk: An Essay on the Feasibility of Freedom." Together with a typed letter signed by Gilder to Lewis [Lapham], discussing the article and saying he will have a later draft the following week. Gilder's published article was quoted at length in Jack Kemp's book An American Renaissance: A Strategy for the 1980s, and Gilder's 1981 book, Wealth and Poverty, became a best-selling cornerstone for advocating the supply-side economics that defined the Reagan administration. Massive changes in evidence throughout: many cross-outs, deletions and emendations, some cut-and-taped. Condition: a working copy, messy by design, thus still near fine. An historic essay. [#035843] $500
On Sale: $325

All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.