HOCKNEY, David; SPENDER, Stephen, et al
Hockney's Alphabet
(London), (Faber and Faber), (1991). Copy No. 64 of 250 numbered copies, signed by the contributors. Twenty-six writers contribute to this AIDS fundraiser, edited by Stephen Spender and with drawings by David Hockney. Signed by Hockney and Spender, and also also signed by contributors Joyce Carol Oates, Iris Murdoch, Normal Mailer, Seamus Heaney, Martin Amis, Erica Jong, Ian McEwan, Nigel Nicholson, Margaret Drabble, Craig Raine, William Boyd, V.S. Pritchett, Doris Lessing, William Golding, Arthur Miller, Ted Hughes, Kazuo Ishiguro, Julian Barnes, John Updike, Susan Sontag, Douglas Adams, and Patrick Leigh Fermor. Four living contributors declined to sign this edition -- Paul Theroux, Ted Hughes, Anthony Burgess and Gore Vidal. This copy, however, is from the collection of Vidal's bibliographer, Steven Abbott, and Vidal did sign this copy, the only copy of this edition he signed. Blue boards bound in quarter vellum. Fine in a fine slipcase.
All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.
See more items by HOCKNEY, David; SPENDER, Stephen, et al