PLYMELL, Charles
Was Poe Afraid?
(Arlington), Bogg, 1989. Poetry by this poet/collagist who was associated with the San Francisco Beat poetry scene and the hippie counterculture that emerged from it in the 1960s. Plymell was the publisher of the first issue of Zap! comix, the underground comic that introduced R. Crumb and S. Clay Wilson to the counterculture, and according to Allen Ginsberg he was the inspiration for the "Wichita Vortex Sutra." This copy is inscribed by Plymell on the front cover: "Hey Jim, hand on the doorknob [a reference to the cover photo]. Can't find nowhere to go!/ Charles Plymell. Getting into the the [sic] new." Fine in stapled wrappers.
All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.