Literary America, 1903-1934: The Mary Austin Letters
[Westport], [Greenwood/Praeger], [1979]. A two-volume annotated copy of the typescript of this collection of letters to and from Austin, with context and commentary provided by Pearce. This was Pearce's third book on Austin, after The Beloved House (1940), an accounting of her life and writings as well as a personal memoir, and Mary Hunter Austin (1965), a volume in the Twayne United States Authors Series. Sporadic corrections to text (apparently in Pearce's hand); laid in is a 1981 autograph letter signed from Pearce to Southwest publisher Clark Kimball, with brief references to Austin. Authors represented in the text include Mabel Luhan, Sinclair Lewis, Fannie Hurst, Willa Cather, Sherwood Anderson, Marianne Moore, Ansel Adams, Diego Rivera, and many others. The typescript is 341 pages total, between the two volumes, and including the six page index that is laid in at the back. Photographs are not reproduced: instead there are written descriptions of the coming illustrations. Claspbound cardstock covers, with typed labels; the title page is detached. A very good copy. Unique.
All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.