In Our Time
(NY), Dial Press, (1999). A review copy of this "memoir of a revolution" by the author of Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape. This copy belonged to Karen DeCrow, president of NOW (National Organization for Women) in the 1970s: DeCrow reviewed the book for the Syracuse New Times. Laid in is a typed letter signed from Brownmiller to DeCrow thanking her for the review (belatedly, in 2002), and offering to make her dinner. DeCrow is mentioned in the book (p. 225). A copy of her published review is laid in as well. Fine in a fine dust jacket with 4 pages of publisher's review material, including a Women's Liberation Movement Quiz (the answers to which can be found in the book). As fine an association copy as one could hope for.
All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.
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