(STONE, Robert). BELL, Madison Smartt
Child of Light
NY, Doubleday, (2020). The advance reading copy of Bell's biography of Stone. Although not marked as such, this copy belonged to the critic William H. Pritchard and has his scattered marginal notations in the text and a list of page numbers and notes on the final page. Pritchard had reviewed Stone's Children of Light for The Threepenny Review and Outerbridge Reach for The New York Times. Stone finished his novel Dog Soldiers while living in Pritchard's house in Amherst, MA, while the Pritchards were abroad for a year (p. 160). Pritchard's review of this book appeared in The Hopkins Review. Stray pen mark lower edge of text block; mild corner creasing; near fine in wrappers.
All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.