Primate Behavior
NY, Holt Rinehart Winston, (1965). Goodall's first book appearance: the uncorrected proof copy (divided into two volumes), of this collection of field studies of monkeys and apes, edited by Irven DeVore of Harvard University. Includes (in the "second half"), "Chimpanzees of the Gombe Stream Reserve," a nearly 50-page report by Goodall, on observations she made between June 1960 and December 1962, covering topics such as locomotion, communication, group structure, socialization, mating, nesting, grooming, feeding, tool use, and of course, tool-making. Goodall, despite lacking formal education at the time, had arranged a meeting with anthropologist Louis Leakey in 1957, and (after deflecting his advances) she became his assistant/secretary. In 1960, after Leakey had sent Goodall to London for a crash course in primates, he sent her to Tanzania to study chimps. (Tanzania, unwilling to allow Goodall to travel alone, required that she have a companion: Goodall brought her mother.) By year's end, Goodall had observed chimps not only using tools for feeding, but creating tools for this purpose, causing Leakey to write to her in a telegram: "Now, we must redefine man, redefine tool, or accept chimpanzees as humans." Two volumes (stamped "first half" and "second half") in tall, comb-bound green wrappers. The proof does not include Goodall's images. Business card of an editor at Holt, Rinehart and Winston stapled to the front cover of the first volume; each volume is near fine. Goodall's pioneering work on the Gombe chimpanzees continues to this day and is the longest continuous study of any animal in their natural habitat in history.
All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.