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The Last Harvest
Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1922. Posthumously published writings by Burroughs on Emerson and Thoreau, as well as on Darwin, and on death. Preface by Clara Barrus, who was Burroughs' companion, biographer, and literary executor. This copy is inscribed by Barrus to Dr. John Johnston, co-author of Visits to Walt Whitman in 1890-1891: "Dr. J. Johnstone - Dear friend, Let this "Last Harvest" of Our Friend come to you as from his hand, and as a souvenir of that happy time when you visited him in his river home. You and W.W. and J.B. found one another out by 'faint indirections,'/ [quoting Whitman] 'And I, when I meet you mean to discover you by the like in you.'/ Clara Barrus/ Woodchuck Lodge/ Roxbury NY/ August 28, 1922." A half-page of notes on the rear endpages, presumably by Johnston, along with penciled underlinings and marginal notations in text. A very good, moderately shelfworn copy, lacking the dust jacket. An excellent association copy. [#035120] $750
On Sale: $525

All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.

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