JACKSON, Harrisene
There's Nothing I Own That I Want
Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, (1974). A memoir, of "life on the bottom, told by a black woman who won't learn to quit" (from the dust jacket cover). Inscribed by the author in April, 1977: "To My Brother Hyman, 'Keep On Keeping On'/ Dare To Struggle! Dare To Win! Dare To Be You! Dare To See Tomorrow, I Do!/ 'Love Is A Circle of Sharing'/ from your sister in the struggle/ Harrisene 'Penny' Jackson." The memoir emerged from an admissions essay submitted to a Dean at the City College of New York, who passed the essay to an editor at The Nation, who published it in May, 1968, from which Jackson received a book offer. Over the next five years, Jackson wrote 600 pages, which were then condensed by an "editor friend," into this book. Near fine in a very good dust jacket with a bit of loss to the corners and spine ends and some minor discoloration to the rear panel.
All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.