MANKIEWICZ, Joseph L. and CAREY, Gary
More about All About Eve
NY, Random House, [1972]. The uncorrected proof copy of just the "colloquy" between Mankiewicz and Carey, which preceded the screenplay in the published book. This copy has the signature of legendary editor and publisher Nan Talese on the front cover, with what appear to be her markings in the text and two pages of her notes, corresponding to those markings, laid in. More than 70 pages of backstory on the film All About Eve, which earned an unprecedented 14 Academy Award nominations, winning six, including two for Mankiewicz, for Best Director and Best Adapted Screenplay, as well as Best Picture. It remains the only film to have ever received four female acting nominations: two for Best Actress (Bette Davis and Anne Baxter) and two for Best Supporting Actress (Thelma Ritter and Celeste Holm). All About Eve was ranked sixteenth on AFI's 1998 list of the 100 best American films. The proof is very good in tall wrappers.
All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.