Turn About
Ottawa, W.L. Massiah, 1939. One of only four (or five) known copies of the first separate edition of Faulkner's O. Henry Prize-winning story of World War I, first published in 1932 in The Saturday Evening Post. W.L. Massiah, a Canadian businessman, was moved by the turmoil of WWII to publish "the best of the many little tales written about the 1914-1918 war" as a holiday pamphlet. The text was taken from the Post version, and therefore differs from the version in the O. Henry Prize Winning Stories of 1932 by the retention of the phrase "a little dull gold mustache above" in the seventh line of the second paragraph. Purple velour-finish wrappers, wire-stitched. Slight edge fading, and light wear to the spine; near fine, in a custom folding chemise and clamshell case. Serendipity described Carl Petersen's copy and indicated that there were two other copies known in the U.S. at that time (1991). A fourth copy has since turned up; whether this is a fifth copy, or one of the ones cited by Peter Howard in 1991 is not known to us.
All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.
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