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Phil Donahue Show Transcript
Cincinnati, Multimedia Program Productions, 1980. A 21-page transcript of Ayn Rand's appearance on the Phil Donahue Show, filmed in Chicago on April 29, 1980. Topics covered include the distribution of wealth, the welfare state, capitalism, obligation, gratitude, altruism, atheism, and Charlie's Angels. Rand died less than a year after this interview, as someone has noted in pencil on the last page of text. Half page of seemingly unrelated notes on the (otherwise blank) rear cover; the front cover/first page of text has a coffee stain and is split all along the horizontal fold. The inner pages are intact, but owing to the fragile state of the covers, this is only a good copy in stapled wrappers, but it is a rare Rand publication. [#034747] SOLD

All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.