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Experience and Nature
Chicago, Open Court Publishing Company, 1925. The inaugural lecture in the Paul Carus Foundation Lecture Series, an ongoing series in which lectures are presented over three consecutive days in prominent sessions at a divisional meeting of the American Philosophical Association. John Dewey was a philosopher, psychologist and educator who was one of the founders of the pragmatism school of philosophy and was called by the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy "arguably the most prominent American intellectual for the first half of the twentieth century." He founded the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools in 1896 to test his educational ideas; he became President of the American Philosophical Association in 1905; he was one of the founders of the New School for Social Research in 1919; and he was a member of the first Board of Directors of Hull House, among many other projects and accomplishments. His ideas helped shape the founding of Bennington College and Goddard College, and later Black Mountain College in North Carolina, which for a time became the nexus of the arts and education in the U.S. Experience and Nature is considered his most metaphysical book and, as such, his most important in tying together all of his ideas of philosophy and psychology and grounding them in nature and a model of how the human being grows and learns. Owner name of Robert Rothman, and several marginal marks in the text. A very good copy with some handling and spotting to the brown cloth, particularly on the spine. Uncommon in the first printing. [#034725] $375
On Sale: $244

All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.

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