CARLIN, George
An Incomplete List of Impolite Words: 2,443 Filthy Words and Phrases
(n.p.), (Main Sequence), (1990). In 1972, George Carlin introduced the classic comedy routine "The Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television" on his album Class Clown. The next year, his expanded "Filthy Words" drew an FCC complaint when broadcast on a Pacifica radio station. After appeals, the case reached the Supreme Court in 1978: Carlin (Pacifica) lost 5-4, and the FCC's regulation of unwanted speech was upheld. Meanwhile (according to Carlin's preface to this item), helpful citizens were sending Carlin words to add to his list: 2,443 words arrived over two decades, which Carlin saved, organized by category, added a preface to, and published. 10 pages of small type. Covers dust-soiled; near fine in stapled wrappers. A little known, community effort to update a cultural touchstone: no copies in OCLC.
All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.