HAMADY, Walter
Neopostmodernism: Gabberjabb Number 6
(Mt. Horeb, WI), Perishable Press, (1988). Hamady's Interminable Gabberjabb series, begun in 1973 and comprising eight books by its end in 2005, is considered to have "changed the face of contemporary book arts in the United States" (Univ. of Arizona Poetry Center). This, the sixth book in the series, was published seven years after the fifth, and the limitation was reduced for this book from 200 to 125 copies. An eclectic and elaborate production: attempting to "read" the book sequentially involves carefully discovering how each page or gathering "works" and discovering the surprises the book has in store. This is copy number 87, date-stamped December 7, 1988. Signed by Hamady, his assistant Kent Kasuboske, and the binder Marta Gomez. Additionally annotated by Hamady on December 8: "Fore edged and embellished yesterday wrappered today by WH (sunny but cold 20 degrees)(F)." Fine.
All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.