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Timothy McSweeney's Windfall Republic
(Brooklyn), (McSweeney's), (1999). The third issue of the journal, which deliberately set out to flout the conventions of traditional literary journals, among its other pursuits. This issue includes a long essay on the copyright page, a short short story on the spine by David Foster Wallace, three fold-out illustrations to the printed pieces, and other divergences from literary and journalistic norms. This copy is signed by Eggers, David Foster Wallace (on the spine), Jonathan Lethem, Rick Moody, Sarah Vowell, Judy Budnitz, Arthur Bradford, Colleen Werthmann, Paul Collins, Paul Maliszewski, and Lawrence Wechsler. Light use; near fine in wrappers. Again, a rarity with all these signatures, particularly Wallace's; perhaps unique -- at the least we've seen no other such copy. [#032946] SOLD

All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.