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Lettres a Un Jeune Poete
Paris, Grasset, 1956. Rilke's poetry, inscribed to Doris Dana, Gabriela Mistral's longtime companion and translator, from Marie-Lise Gazarian-Gautier: "A mon amie Doris de la Nina Azul/ avril 1960." "La Nina Azul," Gazarian-Gautier, was a biographer and protege of Mistral. Together with a second printing of the paperback edition of Selected Poems of Gabriela Mistral, which Dana translated. Gabriela Mistral was the first Latin American writer to win the Nobel Prize for Literature, and only the fifth woman to receive the prize. The pages of the Rilke are uncut and age-toned; else both books are fine in wrappers. An interesting association copy between two of the women closest to the Nobel Prize winner Mistral. [#032895] $250
On Sale: $163

All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.