Fire & Grit. Working for Nature in Community
(Shepherdstown), Orion Society, 1999. Program for the Orion Society's Millennium Conference, at which Matthiessen was a participant, along with Wendell Berry, Barry Lopez, William Kittredge, Bill McKibben, Ann Zwinger, Rick Bass, Terry Tempest Williams, etc. Unmarked, but from the library of Peter Matthiessen. One of the key events of the environmental movement at the turn of the 21st century: Matthiessen's talk there was both challenging and controversial, urging participants to beware of adopting a holier-than-thou attitude as a result of their concerns for the environment. He opened his speech with a quote from Goethe: "There is no crime of which I do not deem myself capable." 64 pages; near fine in stapled wrappers.
All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.
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