Love Medicine
NY, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, (1984). Both the uncorrected proof copy and the first edition of her first novel, a highly praised book that won the Los Angeles Times book of the year award and helped to open up the publishing world to a host of Native American writers. These copies are both from the library of Peter Matthiessen, who provided a blurb for the dust jacket: "A remarkable first novel, quick with agile prose, taut speech, poetry and power, conveying unflinchingly the funkiness, humor and great unspoken sadness of the Indian reservations, and a people exiled to a no-man's-land between two worlds." The proof is very good in wrappers; the book is very good in a very good dust jacket with a "Compliments of the Author" card signed by Erdrich clipped to the front panel.
All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.