Wildlife in America
NY, Viking, 1959. Matthiessen's own copy of his first book of nonfiction, a survey of the effect of the Europeans on the fauna of North America and a classic in the field of conservation literature. Shortly after publication, the publisher reported that President John F. Kennedy had added the book to the White House's permanent library. Several small marginal marks by Matthiessen, perhaps for use in the 1987 revised edition of this title: in one marginal note he draws a comparison between Eisenhower's thoroughly unqualified and "disastrous" Secretary of the Interior, Douglas McKay, with Ronald Reagan's appointee for that position 30 years later, James Watt, an addition to the text that shows up in the 1987 edition. Pencil name and phone number on the front flyleaf. A very good copy in a good, worn dust jacket. Together with a copy of the revised and updated edition [NY: Viking (1978)], which is fine in a fine dust jacket.
All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.
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