On the River Styx
NY, Random House, (1989). The uncorrected proof copy. Published in 1989, with, on the last blank, Matthiessen's notes on the subject of the fatwa against Salman Rushdie, beginning with, "Like the Ayatollah, I would like to make a very few brief [illegible] and ill-conceived remarks about a book I have just read - The Satanic Verses." The notes seem to suggest that his remarks are not to be concerned with Rushdie's "guilt," but that rather, like Leonard Peltier, "whether innocent or not, he was framed." Roughly 75 words, written on the blank facing the rear cover: the rear cover is beginning to detach; both covers are coffee-stained; a good copy in wrappers of the second issue proof, with the story "Horse Latitudes" in place of "A Replacement." Together with Matthiessen's copy of the first American edition of The Satanic Verses, unmarked but with a paragraph about Rushdie taped to the rear pastedown, with "Hitchens" written in the margin. The proof copy also has a number of annotations and markings in Matthiessen's hand in the story "Lumumba Lives," but these changes were not incorporated into the published book.
All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.