Indian Country
NY, Viking, (1984). Matthiessen's two working copies of this collection of essays on various issues related to American Indians, especially those issues having to do with the culture clash between corporations looking to exploit natural resources and tribes asserting their rights to control their land and its uses, while retaining a connection to the traditions by which they lived in harmony with their environment and held the land sacred. According to published reports at the time, it was during the course of researching this book that Matthiessen came upon the story that evolved into In The Spirit of Crazy Horse, which effectively sidelined this work for several years. Two copies from Matthiessen's library: one, marked by Matthiessen, "PM Copy," and with his corrections to (mostly) Chapter 5, "Akwesasne." A very good copy in a very good dust jacket, each of which bears a couple of coffee stains. The second copy is even more extensively marked by Matthiessen with underlinings, cuts, rewrites, and coffee stains. Laid in are a brief tribute to Maezumi Roshi and a two-page, heavily hand-corrected outline for a 2006 "Dharma Talk," in which Matthiessen mentions, among other things, the passing of William Styron and the passing of Craig Carpenter, who appears in Indian Country and to whom the book is dedicated. First ten pages of text detached, heavily corrected, and laid in; as mentioned, coffee-stained and also dampstained; a fair copy in an edgeworn dust jacket heavily stained, predominantly on the verso. For the two heavily marked author's copies, talk manuscript, and short tribute.
All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.
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