African Silences
NY, Random House, (1991). Matthiessen's own working copy, marked "PM. Work Copy" of this collection of nonfiction, recounting aspects of his numerous trips to Africa over the years. About a half-dozen pages marked by Matthiessen. Bowed and well-handled; a good copy, lacking the dust jacket. Laid in are: a 1992 3-page typed letter signed to Matthiessen from Bob Drummond, saying it was fun to have him along on his first trip to Africa and that the trip was much more valuable because of his copy of African Silences; seven black and white snapshots of elephants, apparently sent by Drummond; a 1986 two-page autograph letter signed from elephant researchers Richard and Karen [Barnes], reporting news from Gabon and thanking Matthiessen for a copy of Sand Rivers; a 1994 exchange (conducted in French) between a Monsieur LeNoel and Matthiessen [Matthiessen's retained copy present] on the topic of pygmy elephants; a 1992 Time magazine article about the African rain forest; and a photocopy of a 2001 New York Times article about gorillas.
All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.
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