Correspondence File
1989-2001. Three typed letters signed; two typed postcards signed; one holiday card and roughly forty pieces of promotional material, tearsheets, press releases, article photocopies, etc., pertaining to Bruchac's roles as writer, speaker, activist, story-teller, father, and the drummer for the Dawn Land Singers. In the correspondence, Bruchac is encouraging of the recipient's writing and generous with family updates and updates on his own projects; the longest letter concerns his decision to turn down a co-editing project with his correspondent, apparently involving a collection of Native American writing and art. In part: "It takes a long time to put a special issue of any magazine together -- trust me on this after more than three decades of editing. It takes, on average, twice as long to get work from Native American writers." All items near fine or better.
All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.
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