The Distant Laughter
NY, Harper & Row, (1972). The first American edition of this novel by the noted director of King Rat, The L-Shaped Room, The Raging Moon and others. Warmly inscribed to film critic Pauline Kael: "'Spare my face, aim at my heart'/ with admiration for the fact/ that you always care -- / and/ With kindest regards/ from/ Bryan Forbes," and dated in 1974. Kael, with her studied disdain for the "auteur theory" of film -- which argues in part that any film by a great filmmaker must be viewed in light of that greatness, and forgiven its defects -- was fiercely independent in her reviewing, often praising one of a director's films to the sky while panning another brutally. Many of her correspondents in the film world, like Forbes, recognized and respected that in her writings, even when she had savaged one or more of their films. Forbes inscription here is typical of the kind of response Kael elicited from many filmmakers -- respect, and even admiration, for her integrity. Kael's 1974 book, Deeper Into the Movies, was the first book on film to win the National Book Award. Foredge foxed; near fine in a near fine dust jacket.
All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.