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El Jardin de Senderos Que Se Bifurcan [The Garden of the Forking Paths]
Buenos Aires, Sur, (1942). Borges' first major work of fiction, "The Garden of the Forking Paths." This is the first publication of these stories later published in his acclaimed volume Ficciones, in 1944. Inscribed by Borges to his sister, Norah, and her son: "Para Norah y Miguel, con el cari o y la simpatia de/ Jorge Luis Borges." Norah Borges illustrated her brother's first book of poems, Luna de Enfrente, in 1923. Miguel added his ownership signature to this book in 1995; wrappers slightly darkened, particularly along the spine; front joint professionally reinforced; a very good copy of this extremely fragile, and extremely important volume, in the pale blue wrappers typical of Sur publications of the time. Borges's fictions -- of which these are the first manifestation to be published in a book -- were arguably the most influential literary writings of the 20th century, bringing the sensibilities and experimentation of the avant garde to mainstream literature, and expanding the possibilities of fiction for all the succeeding generations of his literary descendants. An attractive copy and scarce thus, and virtually unheard of as an association copy, particularly such a close familial one. In an attractive quarter leather custom clamshell box. [#022301] SOLD

All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.