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Three Chromolithograph Prints
Undated nineteenth century prints of Indian scenes from the Pacific Northwest, each measuring approx. 6-1/2" x 9" and mounted in 12" x 14" mats. The first is a portrait of a "Mahlemute Man and Woman" in traditional dress standing at a riverside camp, with salmon being dried and smoked in the background. The second depicts a "Beluga Hunter and Dwellings - Lower Kuskokvim, Alaska," with the hunter, dressed for kayaking, and his wife standing at water's edge, ready to launch the kayak. The third depicts two Indian men, a "Thlinkit [sic] and Man From Copper River," showing the different traditional dress of the two, with the Tlingit carrying a rifle and the Copper River man a bow and arrows. An interesting glimpse at an early view of the various native tribes of that region. All three are slightly age-darkened, else fine. [#002192] $115

All books are first printings of first editions or first American editions unless otherwise noted.