Philip K Dick, Short Stories

Short Story Appearances by Philip K. Dick
The numbers in bold in the following section refer to the identifying numbers in Daniel Levack's PKD - A Philip K. Dick Bibliography (Columbia, PA: Underwood-Miller, 1981). In each case, these are the first appearances in print of the stories, and in virtually every case, Dick has signed the table of contents where his entry is listed. In general, there are two formats to the magazinesa "pulp" format, which is a quarto approximately the size of a comic book, and a "digest" size, which is typical of science fiction magazines even today. In general, the pulps were printed on cheap, acidic ("pulp") paper and their pages have browned considerably with age. The pages of the digests also tend to show browning, though not as dramatically as the pulps. Many, in fact most, of the publications listed below no longer exist and assembling this collection today would be extremely difficult; the fact that they are signed makes this a unique opportunity to build a collection that would literally be impossible to assemble today. Comments in quotation marks about the individual stories are Dick's own, unless specified otherwise, and are excerpted from Levack's bibliography.
102. 9A - "Beyond Lies the Wub" in Planet Stories. NY: Love Romances. July, 1952. The author's first published story, in what he has called "the most lurid of all pulp magazines on the stand at that time." Signed by the author. Quarto. Tape on spine corners; about very good in wrappers.
103. 45A - "The Gun" in Planet Stories. Stamford: Love Romances. September, 1952. Signed by the author. Quarto. Modest edgewear to the wrappers, otherwise about very good.
104. 114A - "The Skull" in If. Buffalo: Quinn. September, 1952. Signed by the author. Digest-size. Very good in wrappers. A nice copy.
105. 64A - "The Little Movement" in Fantasy and Science Fiction. NY: Fantasy House. November, 1952. Date rubber-stamped on top edge of pages, otherwise a near fine copy. Digest-size. Signed by the author.
106. 25A - "The Defenders" in Galaxy. NY: Galaxy Publishing. January, 1953. Dick's story gets top billing and a cover illustrationa long way from his appearances in Planet Stories, where he wasn't even listed on the covers. Signed by the author. Near fine in wrappers.
107. 74A - "Mr. Spaceship" in Imagination. Evanston: Greenleaf. January, 1953. Signed by the author. Spine roll; else near fine in wrappers.
108. 89A - "Piper in the Woods" in Imagination. Evanston: Greenleaf. February, 1953. Signed by the author on inside front cover where Dick is featured in "Introducing the Author," which includes a photo and a brief biography, written by Dick. Very good in wrappers.
109. 105A - "Roog" in Fantasy and Science Fiction. NY: Fantasy House. February, 1953. The author's first sold story. Anthony Boucher accepted this very short (approx. 2000 words) story for publication in November, 1951, and then made Dick "work [it] over to its very bones before he accepted it." Signed by Dick. Cup rings on front cover; about very good.
110. 56A - "The Infinites" in Planet Stories. Stamford: Love Romances. May, 1953. Once again, Planet Stories features a voluptuous woman in a futuristic, high-tech setting on the cover, but omits any mention of PKD. Signed by the author. Pulp quarto. Spine and edgewear; about very good.
111. 109A - "Second Variety" in Space Science Fiction. NY: Space Publications. May, 1953. Signed by the author. Ink number (price) on first leaf. Upper corners of pages slightly chipped, otherwise this is a fine copy in wrappers. Exceptionally nice.
112. 151A - "The World She Wanted" in Science Fiction Quarterly. Holyoke: Columbia Publications. May, 1953. Pulp. Dick's story gets cover billing and cover art. Signed by the author. Spine discolored and pages rippled from having once been waterlogged; fair in wrappers. Scarce and fragile.
113. 17A - "Colony" in Galaxy. NY: Galaxy Publishing. June, 1953. Signed by the author and also by Robert Sheckley, who contributes a story. A very nice, near fine copy in wrappers.
114. 19A - "The Cookie Lady" in Fantasy Fiction. NY: Future. June, 1953. Signed by the author. Separate additional title page laid in, which is inscribed by Lester Del Rey, editor of the magazine. Very good in wrappers.
115. 54A - "Imposter" in Astounding. NY: Street and Smith. June, 1953. Signed by the author. Also signed by Frank M. Robinson on the contents page. Heavy creasing at spinefold from reading; else very good in wrappers.
116. 88A - "Paycheck" in Imagination. Evanston: Greenleaf. June, 1953. A story in which Dick uses time travel to explore the idea that, under certain circumstances, "the small and useless...might signify a great deal more" -- or the notion that a small change might have great consequences. This concept, familiar to modern physics and chaos theory as the "butterfly effect" or "sensitive dependence on initial conditions," is an example of Dick using SF in a prescient exploration of profound philosophical issues. Signed by the author. Creases on front cover; else very good in wrappers.
117. 94A - "The Preserving Machine" in Fantasy & Science Fiction. NY: Fantasy House. June, 1953. Later collected in A Handful of Darkness as well as being the title story for a collection issued in the Sixties. Signed by the author. Very good in wrappers.
118. 20A - "The Cosmic Poachers" in Imagination. Evanston: Greenleaf. July, 1953. After having six stories published in separate magazines in June, 1953, Dick had four more in July. Signed by the author. Very good in wrappers.
119. 33A - "Expendable" in Fantasy & Science Fiction. NY: Fantasy House. July, 1953. Signed by the author and also by Robert Schekley. Very near fine in wrappers. A very nice copy.
120. 55A - "The Indefatigable Frog" in Fantastic Story Magazine. NY: Best Books. July, 1953. A pulp magazine. Signed by the author and by Richard Matheson and Sam Merwin, Jr. Water- damaged; resulting in splitting of spine; waving of covers and pages; blurring of signature. Fair in wrappers. Still, scarce and fragile.
121. 68A - "Martians Come in Clouds" in Fantastic Universe. Chicago: King-Size Publications. June-July, 1953. (Levack lists as 1954.) Signed by the author. Watermark across top of back cover and some of the back pages; else very good in wrappers.
122. 86A - "Out in the Garden" in Fantasy Fiction. NY: Future. August, 1953. Signed by the author. Spine split and taped. Water mark upper front corners. Not quite very good in wrappers.
123. 18A - "The Commuter" in Amazing. Chicago: Ziff-Davis. August-September, 1953. Signed by the author. Waterlogged and wavy; slightly blurry signature; intact but unfortunately only fair in wrappers.
124. 44A - "The Great C" in Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy, No. 1. NY: Star. September, 1953. The first issue of this digest-size SF magazine. Parts of this story were later adapted for Deus Irae. Signed by the author. Very good in wrappers.
125. 60A - "The King of the Elves" in Beyond Fantasy Fiction. NY: Galaxy. September, 1953. Signed by the author and also by Robert Bloch. Waterlogged and wavy; signatures safe. Fair in wrappers.
126. 129A - "The Trouble with Bubbles" in If. Buffalo: Quinn. September, 1953. Signed by the author. Dick had 15 stories published in different periodicals in the four months, June to September, 1953. Very good in wrappers.
127. 137B - "The Variable Man" in Space Science Fiction. NY: Space Publications. September, 1953. First American appearance, following its appearance in July in the British Space Science Fiction. Signed by the author and also by Robert Sheckley and Frank M. Robinson. Spine-faded; else very near fine in wrappers.
128. 53A - "The Impossible Planet" in Imagination. Evanston: Greenleaf. October, 1953. Signed by the author. Spine roll and a bit of foxing; else very good in wrappers.
129. 90A and 116A - "Planet for Transients" and "Some Kinds of Life" in Fantastic Universe. Chicago: King-Size. October- November, 1953. Parts of "Planet for Transients" were adapted for Deus Irae. "Some Kinds of Life," appeared under the pseudonym "Richard Phillips" and the contents page is signed by Dick twice, once as Philip K. Dick and once as Richard Phillips. Light watermark upper back cover; vertical slice along spine; still very good in wrappers. A nice copy of this rare double appearance.
130. 46A - "The Hanging Stranger" in Science Fiction Adventures. NY: Future. December, 1953. Signed by the author. Watermark throughout top half of publication; signature safe; about good in wrappers.
131. 97A - "Project: Earth" in Imagination. Evanston: Greenleaf. December, 1953. Signed by the author. 1" split along bottom of spine; creased at spinfold; but bright. Very good in wrappers.
132. 128A - "Tony and the Beetles" in Orbit Science Fiction, No. 2. NY: Hanro. 1953. The second issue of this digest-size magazine. Signed by the author. Fine in wrappers. A very attractive copy of an uncommon piece.
133. 35A - "The Eyes Have It" in Science Fiction Stories, No. 1. NY: Columbia. 1953. Signed by the author and also by Robert Sheckley. Near fine in wrappers. A nice copy.
134. 10A - "Beyond the Door" in Fantastic Universe. NY: King- Size. January, 1954. Signed by the author. Spine-faded but otherwise near fine in wrappers.
135. 12A - "The Builder" in Amazing. Chicago: Ziff-Davis. December 1953-January 1954. Signed by the author and also by Robert Bloch and Robert Sheckley. Near fine in wrappers.
136. 23A - "The Crystal Crypt" in Planet Stories. Stamford: Love Romances. January, 1954. SF pulp magazine. Signed by the author. Chip at base of spine. About very good in wrappers.
137. 93A - "A Present for Pat" in Startling. Kokomo: Better Publications. January, 1954. Quarto, pulp. Signed by the author. Rippled from moisture and mildly discolored. Signature slightly blurred. Fair in wrappers.
138. 113A - "The Short Happy Life of the Brown Oxford" in Fantasy & Science Fiction. NY: Fantasy House. January, 1954. Signed by the author. Rust marks on cover from staples. Small random watermarks throughout text; otherwise good in wrappers.
139. 43A - "The Golden Man" in If. Buffalo: Quinn. April, 1954. An important early story which became the title story to a collection issued nearly thirty years later. Signed by the author and also by Robert Sheckley. Near fine in wrappers. A very nice copy.
140. 58A - "James P. Crow" in Planet Stories. Stamford: Love Romances. May, 1954. Pulp. Signed by the author. Slight wear to the edges of the wrappers, but still very near fine in wrappers. A very attractive copy of a scarce and fragile item.
141. 99A - "Prominent Author" in If. Buffalo: Quinn. May, 1954. Signed by the author and also by Richard Matheson. Some rubbing to spine and shallow crease to front cover; else near fine in wrappers.
142. 115A - "Small Town" in Amazing. Chicago: Ziff-Davis. May, 1954. Signed by the author. Water damaged; covers dulled and pages wavy. Signature blurred. Intact but only about fair in wrappers.
143. 122A - "Survey Team" in Fantastic Universe. NY: King-Size. May, 1954. Signed by the author and also by Robert Bloch and Richard Matheson. Smudging to rear cover; very good in wrappers.
144. 106A - "Sales Pitch" in Future. Holyoke: Columbia Publications. June, 1954. Signed by the author and also by Sam Merwin, Jr. Watersoaked and discolored; signatures blurred. Fair in wrappers.
145. 126A - "Time Pawn" in Thrilling Wonder Stories. NY: Standard Magazines. Summer, 1954. Pulp magazine. This story was later expanded into Dr. Futurity. Signed by the author and also by Sam Merwin, Jr. Very good in wrappers.
146. 11A - "Breakfast at Twilight" in Amazing. NY: Ziff-Davis. July, 1954. Signed by the author and also by Sam Merwin, Jr. Very good in wrappers.
147. 22A - "The Crawlers" in Imagination. Evanston: Greenleaf. July, 1954. Signed by the author. Near fine in wrappers. A very nice copy.
148. 82A - "Of Withered Apples" in Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy, No. 4. NY: Star. July, 1954. Signed by the author. Very good in wrappers.
149. 31A - "Exhibit Place" in If. Buffalo: Quinn. August, 1954. Signed by the author as well as by Richard Matheson, William F. Nolan and Robert Sheckley. Spine-rolled; very good in wrappers.
150. 111A - "Shell Game" in Galaxy. NY: Galaxy Publishing. September, 1954. Signed by the author and also by Robert Sheckley. Modest creasing to covers; very good in wrappers.
151. 3A - "Adjustment Team" in Orbit Science Fiction, No. 4. NY: Hanro. September-October, 1954. Signed by the author. Mild watermarking to top of back cover and pages; else near fine in wrappers. A nice copy.
152. 69A - "Meddler" in Future. Holyoke: Columbia. October, 1954. Signed by the author. Waterlogged; front cover creased; fair in wrappers.
153. 117A - "Souvenir" in Fantastic Universe. NY: King-Size. October, 1954. Signed by the author and also by Robert Sheckley. Minor watermark on upper back corner and few pages; else near fine in wrappers.
154. 150A - "A World of Talent" in Galaxy. NY: Galaxy Publishing. October, 1954. Signed by the author and also by Robert Sheckley. A very good copy in wrappers.
155. 96A - "Progeny" in If. Buffalo: Quinn. November, 1954. Signed by the author. Slightly faded on edges and spine; very good in wrappers.
156. 136A - "Upon the Dull Earth" in Beyond Fantasy Fiction, No. 9. NY: Galaxy Publishing. November, 1954. Signed by the author. Waterlogged; signature blurring; only fair in wrappers.
157. 61A - "The Last of the Masters" in Orbit Science Fiction, No. 5. NY: Hanro. November-December, 1954. Signed by the author. Water warped, with staple rust marks. Signature safe. Fair in wrappers.
158. 38A - "The Father-Thing" in Fantasy & Science Fiction. NY: Fantasy House. December, 1954. Signed by the author. Near fine in wrappers.
159. 120A - "Strange Eden" in Imagination. Evanston: Greenleaf. December, 1954. Signed by the author. Very near fine in wrappers. A nice copy.
160. 95A - "Prize Ship" in Thrilling Wonder Stories. NY: Standard Magazines. Winter, 1954. Pulp. Signed by the author. Very good in wrappers.
161. 130A - "The Turning Wheel" in Science Fiction Stories, No. 2. NY: Columbia Publications. 1954. Signed by the author. Very near fine.
162. 39A - "Foster, You're Dead" in Star Science Fiction Stories, No. 3. NY: Ballantine Books. 1955. Signed by the author and also by Richard Matheson. Previous owner stamp; near fine in wrappers.
163. 140A - "War Veteran" in If. Buffalo: Quinn. March, 1955. Signed by the author. Fine in wrappers.
164. 75A - "Nanny" in Startling Stories. Kokomo: Standard Magazines. Spring, 1955. Pulp magazine. Signed by the author and also by Richard Matheson. Price marks on cover; about very good in wrappers.
165. 14A - "Captive Market" in If. Buffalo: Quinn. April, 1955. Signed by the author. Fine in wrappers. A beautiful copy.
166. 49A - "The Hood Maker" in Imagination. Evanston: Greenleaf. June, 1955. Signed by the author and also by Frank M. Robinson who is featured in the "Introducing the Author" section. Very near fine in wrappers.
167. 16A - "The Chromium Fence" in Imagination. Evanston: Greenleaf. July, 1955. Signed by the author. Very good in wrappers.
168. 110A - "Service Call" in Science Fiction Stories. Holyoke: Columbia. July, 1955. Signed by the author. Minor water markings to upper corners of back pages; creasing to the front cover, spine-faded. About good in wrappers.
169. 121A - "A Surface Raid" in Fantastic Universe. NY: King-Size. July, 1955. Signed by the author and also by Sam Merwin, Jr. on the contents page, which is separating from the staples. Good in wrappers.
170. 73A - "The Mold of Yancy" in If. Buffalo: Quinn. August, 1955. (Omitted from Levack by typesetter.) Signed by the author. Very near fine in wrappers. A very attractive copy of this important story, which was the basis for The Penultimate Truth.
171. 8A - "Autofac" in Galaxy. NY: Galaxy Publishing. November, 1955. Signed by the author and also by Robert Sheckley. Very good in wrappers.
172. 100A - "Psi Man Heal My Child!" in Imaginative Tales. Evanston: Greenleaf. November, 1955. Signed by the author. Cover printing off register; very good in wrappers.
173. 50A - "Human Is" in Startling Stories. Kokomo: Better Publications. Winter, 1955. Pulp. Signed by the author. Very good in wrappers.
174. 71A - "The Minority Report" in Fantastic Universe. NY: King- Size. January, 1956. Signed by the author and also by Robert Bloch. Small chip out of upper back cover; very good in wrappers.
175. 127A - "To Serve the Master" in Imagination. Evanston: Greenleaf. February, 1956. Signed by the author. About very good in wrappers.
176. 87A - "Pay for the Printer" in Satellite Science Fiction. NY: Renown. October, 1956. Signed by the author. Light water marks to top of some pages; else near fine in wrappers. Still an attractive copy.
177. 42A - "A Glass of Darkness" in Satellite Science Fiction. NY: Renown. December, 1956. Later published as The Cosmic Puppets, with slightly altered beginning. Signed by the author. Fine in wrappers.
178. 138A - "Vulcan's Hammer" in Future, No. 29. NY: Columbia Publications. 1956. Signed by the author. Very good in wrappers.
179. 54F - "Imposter" in The End of the World. NY: Ace, 1956. First published in Astounding in 1953. Near fine in wrappers.
180. 132A - "The Unreconstructed M" in Science Fiction Stories. Holyoke: Columbia. January, 1957. Signed by the author. Near fine in wrappers.
181. 72A - "Misadjustment" in Science Fiction Quarterly. Holyoke: Columbia. February, 1957. Signed by the author. Pages heavily stained from water; only a fair copy in wrappers.
182. 81A - "Null-O" in If. Buffalo: Quinn. December, 1958. Signed by the author. Creasing, rubbing and small chips to front cover; good in wrappers.
183. 34A - "Explorers We" in Fantasy & Science Fiction. NY: Mercury Press. January, 1959. Signed by the author. General fading, slight spine-slant; else near fine in wrappers. An attractive copy.
184. 102A - "Recall Mechanism" in If. NY: Digest Productions. July, 1959. Signed by the author. Some creasing, and slight horizontal indentations from banding. Almost very good in wrappers.
185. 36A - "Fair Game" in If. NY: Digest Productions. September, 1959. Signed by the author. Very good in wrappers.
186. 139A - "War Game" in Galaxy. NY: Galaxy Publishing. December, 1959. Signed by the author and also by Robert Bloch and Robert Sheckley. Spine creasing; else near fine in wrappers. A very nice copy.
187. 118A - "Stand-By" in Amazing. Chicago: Ziff-Davis. October, 1963. Signed by the author. Very near fine in wrappers.
188. 5A - "All We Marsmen" in Worlds of Tomorrow. Parts one, two and three. NY: Galaxy Publishing. August, October, and December, 1963. Published as Martian Time Slip. Each volume is signed by the author and is at least very good in wrappers. For all:
189. 145A - "What'll We Do with Ragland Park?" in Amazing. NY: Ziff-Davis. November, 1963. Signed by the author. Near fine in wrappers.
190. 24A - "The Days of Perky Pat" in Amazing. NY: Ziff-Davis. December, 1963. Signed by the author. Water-soaked and stained. Fair in wrappers.
191. 51A - "If There Were No Benny Cemoli" in Galaxy. NY: Galaxy. December, 1963. Signed by the author and also by Jack Vance. Rubbed; still very good in wrappers.
192. 142A - "Waterspider" in If. NY: Galaxy. January, 1964. Signed by the author. Owner name front cover. Minor watermarks throughout. Very good in wrappers.
193. 80A - "Novelty Act" in Fantastic. NY: Ziff-Davis. February, 1964. Signed by the author. Owner name front cover. Very good in in wrappers.
194. 83A - "Oh, To Be a Blobel!" in Galaxy. NY: Galaxy Publishing. February, 1964. Signed by the author and also by Jack Vance. Owner name front cover; very good in wrappers.
195. 144A - "What the Dead Men Say" in Worlds of Tomorrow. NY: Galaxy Publishing. June, 1964. Signed by the author. Spine-fading; else near fine in wrappers. Illustrated by Virgil Finlay.
196. 41A - "A Game of Unchance" in Amazing. NY: Ziff-Davis. July, 1964. Signed by the author. Near fine in wrappers.
197. 13A - "Cantata 140" in Fantasy & Science Fiction. Concord: Mercury Press. July, 1964. The first half of The Crack in Space. Signed by the author. Very near fine in wrappers. A very nice copy.
198. 63A - "The Little Black Box" in Worlds of Tomorrow. NY: Galaxy Publishing. August, 1964. Signed by the author. Very good in wrappers.
199. 92A - "Precious Artifact" in Galaxy. NY: Galaxy Publishing. October, 1964. Signed by the author. Owner name front cover. Very good in wrappers.
200. 133A - "The Unteleported Man" in Fantastic. NY: Ziff-Davis. December, 1964. Signed by the author. Watermarks across top half. Not quite very good anymore in wrappers.
201. 103A - "Retreat Syndrome" in Worlds of Tomorrow. NY: Galaxy Publishing. January, 1965. Signed by the author. Very near fine in wrappers.
202. 98A - "Project Plowshare" in Worlds of Tomorrow. Parts one and two. November, 1965 and January, 1966. NY: Galaxy. Published as The Zap Gun. Each volume is signed by the author and is very good in wrappers. For both:
203. 143A - "We Can Remember It for You Wholesale" in Fantasy & Science Fiction. Concord: Mercury. April, 1966. Signed by the author and also by Jack Vance. Basis for the film Total Recall. Very good in wrappers.
204. 48A - "Holy Quarrel" in Worlds of Tomorrow. NY: Galaxy. May, 1966. Signed by the author and also by Lydia and A.E. Van Vogt. Near fine.
205. 152A - "Your Appointment Will Be Yesterday" in Amazing. Flushing: Ultimate Gardens. August, 1966. Expanded as Counter-Clock World. Signed by the author. Rubbed; about very good in wrappers.
206. 104A - "Return Match" in Galaxy. NY: Galaxy Publishing. February, 1967. Signed by the author. Near fine in wrappers.
207. 78A - "Not By Its Cover" in Famous Science Fiction. NY: Health Knowldege. Summer, 1968. Not signed. Minor water markings. Very good in stapled wrappers, a different format than most SF digests. Scarce.
208. 141A - "The War with the Fnools" in Galaxy. NY: Galaxy Publishing. February, 1969. Signed by the author. Pencil owner name front cover. Spine-faded; about near fine in wrappers.
209. 29A - "The Electric Ant" in Fantasy & Science Fiction. Concord: Mercury. October, 1969. Signed by the author and also by Robert Bloch on the contents page, and signed by Harlan Ellison on page 24. Very near fine in wrappers.
210. 1A - "A. Lincoln, Simulacrum" in Amazing. Parts one and two. Flushing: Ultimate. November, 1969 and January, 1970. Part one is signed by Dick on both the contents page and the first page of the story. Part two is signed by Dick on the contents page. Each has been waterlogged with some staining, not affecting signatures. Fair. For both:
211. 91A - "The Pre-Persons" in Fantasy & Science Fiction. Cornwall: Mercury Press. October, 1974. Signed by the author and also by Jack Vance on the contents page, and signed by Harlan Ellison on page 48. Near fine in wrappers.